Module: MiGA::RemoteDataset::Base

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lambda { |url|
ENV['NCBI_API_KEY'].nil? ? url : "#{url}&api_key=#{ENV['NCBI_API_KEY']}" }

Structure of the different database Universes or containers. The structure is a Hash with universe names as keys as Symbol and values being a Hash with supported keys as Symbol:

  • :dbs => Hash with keys being the database name and the values a Hash of properties such as stage, format, map_to, and getter.

  • url => Pattern of the URL where the data can be obtained, where %1$s is the name of the database, %2$s is the IDs, and %3$s is format. Additional parameters can be passed to certain functions using the extra option.

  • method => Method used to query the URL. Only :rest and :net are currently supported.

  • api_key => A lambda function that takes a URL as input and returns the URL to be downloaded with an API Key (if available).

  • map_to_universe => Universe where results map to. Currently unsupported.

  web: {
    dbs: {
      assembly: {stage: :assembly, format: :fasta},
      assembly_gz: {stage: :assembly, format: :fasta_gz},
      text: {stage: :metadata, format: :text}
    url: '%2$s',
    method: :net
  ebi: {
    dbs: { embl: {stage: :assembly, format: :fasta} },
    url: '$s/%2$s/%3$s',
    method: :rest
  ncbi: {
    dbs: {
      nuccore: { stage: :assembly, format: :fasta },
      assembly: { stage: :assembly, format: :fasta_gz, getter: :ncbi_asm },
      taxonomy: { stage: :metadata, format: :xml }
    url: "#{@@_EUTILS}efetch.fcgi?db=%1$s&id=%2$s&rettype=%3$s&retmode=text",
    method: :rest,
    api_key: @@_NCBI_API_KEY
  ncbi_map: {
    dbs: {
      nuccore: {stage: :metadata, map_to: [:biosample, :assembly],
        format: :json},
      biosample: {stage: :metadata, map_to: [:assembly], format: :json}
    url: "#{@@_EUTILS}elink.fcgi?dbfrom=%1$s&id=%2$s&db=%4$s&retmode=%3$s",
    method: :net,
    map_to_universe: :ncbi,
    api_key: @@_NCBI_API_KEY
  ncbi_summary: {
    dbs: { assembly: { stage: :metadata, format: :json } },
    url: "#{@@_EUTILS}esummary.fcgi?db=%1$s&id=%2$s&retmode=%3$s",
    method: :rest,
    api_key: @@_NCBI_API_KEY
  ncbi_search: {
    dbs: { assembly: { stage: :metadata, format: :json } },
    url: "#{@@_EUTILS}esearch.fcgi?db=%1$s&term=%2$s&retmode=%3$s",
    method: :rest,
    api_key: @@_NCBI_API_KEY