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MiGA: Microbial Genomes Atlas


Please see for instructions.

Getting started with MiGA

MiGA Interfaces

You caninteract with MiGA through different interfaces. These interfaces have different purposes, but they also have some degree of overlap, because different users with different aims sometimes want to do the same thing. Throughout this manual I'll be telling you how to do things using mostly the CLI, but I'll also try to mention the GUI and the Web Interface. The CLI is the most comprehensive and flexible interface, but the other two are friendlier to humans. There is a fourth interface that I won't be mentioning at all, but I'll try to document: the Ruby API. MiGA is mostly written in Ruby, with an object-oriented approach, and all the interfaces are just thin layers atop the Ruby core. That means that you can write your own interfaces (or pieces) if you know how to talk to these Ruby objects. Sometimes I even use irb, which is an interactive shell for Ruby, but that's mostly for debugging.


CLI stands for Command Line Interface. This is a set of little scripts that let you talk with MiGA through the terminal shell. If MiGA is in your PATH (see installation details), you can simply run miga in your terminal, and the help messages will take it from there. All the MiGA CLI calls look like:

miga task [options]

Where task is one of the supported tasks and [options] is a set of dash-flag options supported by each task. -h is always there to provide help. If you're a MiGA administrator, this is probably the most convenient option for you (but hey, give the GUI a chance).


The Graphical User Interface is the friendlier option for setting up a MiGA project. It doesn't have as many options as the CLI, but it's pretty easy to use, so it's a good option if you have a typical project in your hands.

MiGA Web

The Web interface for MiGA is the way MiGA reports results from a project. It's not designed to set up new projects, but to explore existing ones, and to submit non-reference datasets for analyses.

Creating your first project

You can do this in the GUI, but I like the CLI better, so I'll be telling you how to tell MiGA what to do from the CLI. First, think where you'll place your project. Normally this means a location...

  1. ... with enough space. This is, plan for at least 4 or 5 times the size of the input files.

  2. ... accessible by worker nodes. If you're using a single server, this is not really an issue. However, if you plan on deploying MiGA in a cluster infrastructure, make sure your project is reachable by worker nodes.

  3. ... with fast access. It's not a great idea to set up projects in remote drives with large latency. In some cases there no way around this, for example when that's the only available option in your cluster infrastructure, but try to avoid this as much as possible.

Now that you know where to create your project, go ahead and run:

miga create_project -P /path/to/project1 -t type-of-project

Where /path/to/project1 is the path to where the project should be created. You don't need to create the folder in advance, MiGA will take care. See the next section to help you decide what type-of-project to use. There are some other options that are not mandatory, but will make your project richer. Take a look at miga create_project -h.

Project types

Projects can be set for different purposes, so we've divided them into "types". There are four of them, depending on the types of datasets to be processed (see Dataset types):

  1. mixed: A generic project with any supported type of datasets.

  2. metagenomes: A project containing only metagenomic datasets. This includes either (or both) metagenomes and viromes.

  3. genomes: A project containing only single-organism datasets. This includes any of the single-organism types: genome, scgenome, and/or popgenome.

  4. clade: Same as "genomes", but all the datasets are expected to be from the same species. This type of project performs additional analyses that expect a very dense ANI matrix, so all genomes in it are expected to have AAI > 90%.

Creating datasets

Once your project is ready, you can start populating it with datasets and data. While it's possible to create empty datasets using miga create_dataset, the preferred method is to first add data and then use the data to create the datasets in batch. For example, lets assume you have a collection of paired-end raw reads from several datasets. The first step is to format the filenames properly. For each one of your datasets, pick a name that conforms the MiGA names restrictions (we'll call it "ds1") and rename your reads to /path/to/project1/data/01.raw_reads/ds1.1.fastq for the first sister and /path/to/project1/data/01.raw_reads/ds1.2.fastq for the second sister. Also, add the date into /path/to/project1/data/01.raw_reads/ds1.done. Check what are the expected result files below if you want to start at any other point in the pipeline. Once you have renamed (or copied) the files inside the project folder, run:

miga find_datasets -P /path/to/project1 -a -r -t type-of-dataset

The -a flag tells MiGA that you want to add the datasets (not just find them); the -r flag tells MiGA that your datasets are to be treated as "reference" datasets (see Non-reference datasets below); and the -t option tells MiGA what type of datasets you're adding (see Dataset types below). If you have a mixture of dataset types, process one at a time. This is, perform this step for each dataset type. Don't worry about the datasets that are already registered, those will be ignored by the find_datasets task and will remain unchanged.

Expected result files

For brevity, we'll assume that you're inside /path/to/project1/data; i.e., in the data directory of your project. We'll also assume that you're naming your dataset ds1, but you can change this by anything following the MiGA names restrictions. Now, these are the "input" points that you can use in MiGA:

  1. Paired-end raw reads: The expected files are 01.raw_reads/ds1.1.fastq and 01.raw_reads/ds1.2.fastq, each including a sister end. The reads must be in the same order in both files (MiGA won't check). You can also use gzipped files instead.

  2. Single-end raw reads: The expected file is 01.raw_reads/ds1.1.fastq. You can also use a gzipped file instead.

  3. Paired-end trimmed reads: These are assumed to be quality-controlled reads in FastA format, with both ends passing the quality filters. The minimum expected file is 04.trimmed_fasta/ds1.CoupledReads.fa, which contains the reads interposed. You can also pass (in addition) the reads that past the quality check without the sister as a gzipped FastA at 04.trimmed_fasta/ds1.SingleReads.fa.gz.

  4. Single-end trimmed reads: Similar to the option above, only quality-checked reads are expected here. The expected file is 04.trimmed_fasta/ds1.SingleReads.fa.

  5. Assembled fragments: This can be any assembly result, including complete genomes. The expected file is 05.assembly/ds1.LargeContigs.fna, containing only contigs longer than 500bp. You can also provide the complete assembly (without length-filtering) at 05.assembly/ds1.AllContigs.fna.

  6. Predicted genes/proteins: This is the total collection of predicted genes and proteins. The expected files are 06.cds/ds1.fna, containing genes, and 06.cds/ds1.faa, containing proteins. You can also provide the locations of said genes in the genome in gzipped GFF v2 (06.cds/ds1.gff2.gz), gzipped GFF v3 (06.cds/ds1.gff3.gz), or gzipped tabular (06.cds/

IMPORTANT: In all cases, an additional ds1.done file MUST be created in the same folder. This is meant to prevent MiGA from mistakenly adding files as results before they're done being processed or transferred. This file must contain the current date in MiGA format. Here's a quick code snippet to add the .done file for all the input files in 01.raw_reads (you can adapt this accordingly to any of the other options):

cd /path/to/project1/data/01.raw_reads
for i in *.1.fastq ; do
   date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z" > $(basename $i .1.fastq).done

Dataset types

This is how you tell MiGA what kind of data you have in your datasets. Lets see the definitions:

  1. genome: The genome from an isolate.
  2. metagenome: A metagenome (excluding viromes).
  3. virome: A viral metagenome.
  4. scgenome: A genome from a single cell.
  5. popgenome: The genome of a population (including microdiversity).

Non-reference datasets

Creating a RefSeq project

If you've reached this point, you are now ready to create a large functional project. If you want to continue using this documentation on real data but don't have any of your own handy (or if you want to use RefSeq data), this is a quick tutoral on how to create a functional MiGA project using ALL of NCBI's Prokaryotic RefSeq data.

Step 1: Create the project. That's simple, just cd to the directory you want to use, and execute miga create_project -P MiGA_RefSeq -t genomes.

Step 2: Download the data. Just cd MiGA_RefSeq, and execute this code:

wget -O reference_genomes.txt ''
grep -v '^#' reference_genomes.txt \
   | awk -F'\t' '{gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/,"_",$3)} {print "miga download_dataset -P . -D "$3" -I "$4" -U ncbi --db nuccore -t genome -v # "$3""}' \
   | while read ln ; do
      sp=$(echo $ln | perl -pe 's/.*# //')
      if [[ ! -n $(miga list_datasets -P . -D $sp) ]] ; then
     echo $ln

And that's it. The first line will download the most current list of genomes included in NCBI's Prokaryotic RefSeq, and the rest will repeatedly execute the download_dataset task, that automatically fetches the data (even the genome's taxonomy!). Note that the code above checks first if a dataset already exists, so if you want to update an existing MiGA_RefSeq project, simply repeat step 2 and only missing genomes will be fetched.

Note that running time for the above code may vary depending on the network and the size of RefSeq, but I was able to create a complete project with 122 genomes in under 10 minutes.

Alternative step 2: downloading all representatives. If you want a larger and more comprehensive collection, and not just the reference genomes, you can download all of the representative genomes in the prokaryotic RefSeq with this alternative code:

wget -O representative_genomes.txt ''
grep -v '^#' representative_genomes.txt \
   | awk -F'\t' '{gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9]/,"_",$3)} $4{print "miga download_dataset -P . -D "$3" -I "$4" -U ncbi --db nuccore -t genome -v # "$3""}' \
   | while read ln ; do
      sp=$(echo $ln | perl -pe 's/.*# //')
      if [[ ! -n $(miga list_datasets -P . -D $sp) ]] ; then
     echo $ln

This is a much larger set (1,246), hence it'll take much more time. I finished downloading the whole thing in about one and a half hours.

Launching daemons

Configuring daemons

Understating the MiGA configuration file

Arbitrary configuration scripts

Fixing system calls with aliases

In some cases, we might not have the same executable names as MiGA expects, or we might have broken modules in our cluster that can be easily fixed with an alias. In these cases, you can use arbitrary configuration scripts to generate one or more alias. Importantly, MiGA daemons work with non-interactive shells, which means you likely need to explicitly allow for alias extensions, for example:

# Allow alias expansions in non-interactive shells
shopt -s expand_aliases

# Call FastQC with the environmental Perl,
# not the built-in /usr/bin/perl:
alias fastqc="perl $(which fastqc)"

# Use the standard name for RAxML (pthreads)
# instead of the one my sys-admin decided to use:
alias raxmlHPC-PTHREADS=RAxML_pthreads

The examples above illustrate how to use alias to fix broken packages or to make Software with non-standard names reachable.

Known caveats to this solution: This solution CANNOT BE USED in the few cases in which a whole package is expected based on a single executable. For example, adding the enveomics scripts to your PATH is far easier than creating an alias for each script. Also, MiGA expects to find the model, the activation key, and the scripts of MetaGeneMark in the same folder of the gmhmmp binary, so setting analias may prevent MiGA from finding these ancillary files.

Cluster infrastructure

Loading optional modules

See also Fixing system calls with aliases.


These below are reference snippets that for which I couldn't find a more suitable home, but are important documentation.

MiGA Names

MiGA names are non-empty strings composed exclusively of alphanumerics and underscores. All the dataset names in MiGA must conform this restriction, but not all the projects do. Other objects must conform the MiGA name restrictions, such as taxonomic entries.

Date in MiGA format

The official format in which MiGA represents date/times is the default of Ruby's In the *nix date utility this corresponds to the format: +%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z.


Developed and maintained by Luis M. Rodriguez-R.
