
Miam is a tool to manage IAM.

It defines the state of IAM using DSL, and updates IAM according to DSL.

Gem Version Build Status Coverage Status


  • >= 0.2.0
  • >= 0.2.1
    • Support Managed Policy attach/detach
    • Support JSON format
  • >= 0.2.2
    • Improve update (show diff)
    • Support Template
    • Add --ignore-login-profile option
    • Sort policy array
  • >= 0.2.3
    • Support Custom Managed Policy
  • >= 0.2.4
    • Fix for Password Policy (RP#22)
    • Fix --target option for Policies (RP#21)
    • Fix for Rate exceeded (PR#23)
    • Fix for non-User credentials (PR#17)
    • Add --exclude option


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

ruby gem 'miam'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install miam


sh export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID='...' export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY='...' export AWS_REGION='us-east-1' miam -e -o IAMfile # export IAM vi IAMfile miam -a --dry-run miam -a # apply `IAMfile`


Usage: miam [options] -p, --profile PROFILE_NAME --credentials-path PATH -k, --access-key ACCESS_KEY -s, --secret-key SECRET_KEY -r, --region REGION -a, --apply -f, --file FILE --dry-run --account-output FILE -e, --export -o, --output FILE --split --split-more --format=FORMAT --export-concurrency N --target REGEXP --exclude REGEXP --ignore-login-profile --no-color --no-progress --debug

IAMfile example

```ruby require ‘other/iamfile’

user “bob”, :path => “/developer/” do login_profile :password_reset_required=>true

groups( “Admin” )

policy “bob-policy” do “Statement”=> [{“Action”=> [“s3:Get”, “s3:List”], “Effect”=>”Allow”, “Resource”=>”*”]} end

attached_managed_policies( # attached_managed_policy ) end

user “mary”, :path => “/staff/” do # login_profile :password_reset_required=>true

groups( # no group )

policy “s3-readonly” do “Statement”=> [{“Action”=> [“s3:Get”, “s3:List”], “Effect”=>”Allow”, “Resource”=>”*”]} end

policy “route53-readonly” do “Statement”=> [{“Action”=> [“route53:Get”, “route53:List”], “Effect”=>”Allow”, “Resource”=>”*”]} end

attached_managed_policies( “arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess”, “arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/my_policy” ) end

group “Admin”, :path => “/admin/” do policy “Admin” do “Action”=>””, “Resource”=>””]} end end

role “S3”, :path => “/” do instance_profiles( “S3” )

assume_role_policy_document do “Statement”=> [{“Sid”=>””, “Effect”=>”Allow”, “Principal”=>{“Service”=>”ec2.amazonaws.com”, “Action”=>”sts:AssumeRole”}]} end

policy “S3-role-policy” do “Statement”=>[{“Effect”=>”Allow”, “Action”=>””, “Resource”=>””]} end end

instance_profile “S3”, :path => “/” ```


```ruby require ‘other/iamfile’

user “bob2”, :path => “/developer/”, :renamed_from => “bob” do # … end

group “Admin2”, :path => “/admin/”. :renamed_from => “Admin” do # … end ```

Managed Policy attach/detach

```ruby user “bob”, :path => “/developer/” do login_profile :password_reset_required=>true

groups( “Admin” )

policy “bob-policy” do # … end

attached_managed_policies( “arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonElastiCacheReadOnlyAccess” ) end ```

Custom Managed Policy

```ruby managed_policy “my-policy”, :path=>”/” do “Statement”=> [{“Effect”=>”Allow”, “Action”=>”directconnect:Describe”, “Resource”=>””]} end

user “bob”, :path => “/developer/” do login_profile :password_reset_required=>true

groups( “Admin” )

policy “bob-policy” do # … end

attached_managed_policies( “arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/my-policy” ) end ```


```sh $ miam -e -o iam.json ᗧ 100% Export IAM to iam.json

$ cat iam.json { “users”: { “bob”: { “path”: “/”, “groups”: [ “Admin” ], “policies”: { …

$ miam -a -f iam.json –dry-run Apply iam.json to IAM (dry-run) ᗧ 100% No change ```

Use Template

```ruby template “common-policy” do policy “my-policy” do “Statement”=> [{“Action”=> [“s3:Get”, “s3:List”], “Effect”=>”Allow”, “Resource”=>”*”]} end end

template “common-role-attrs” do assume_role_policy_document do “Statement”=> [{“Sid”=>””, “Effect”=>”Allow”, “Principal”=>{“Service”=>”ec2.amazonaws.com”, “Action”=>”sts:AssumeRole”}]} end end

user “bob”, :path => “/developer/” do login_profile :password_reset_required=>true

groups( “Admin” )

include_template “common-policy”, version: “2012-10-17” end

user “mary”, :path => “/staff/” do # login_profile :password_reset_required=>true

groups( # no group )

context.version = “2012-10-17” include_template “common-policy”

attached_managed_policies( “arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess”, “arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/my_policy” ) end

role “S3”, :path => “/” do instance_profiles( “S3” )

include_template “common-role-attrs”

policy “S3-role-policy” do “Statement”=>[{“Effect”=>”Allow”, “Action”=>””, “Resource”=>””]} end end ```

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