Metrics client for Ruby apps

Adaptation of statsd-instrument for the (yet unreleased) metrics server.


Metrics.server = ''
Metrics.logger = Rails.logger
Metrics.mode = :production
Metrics.default_sample_rate = 0.1 # Sample 10% of events. By default all events are reported.



# You can pass a key and a ms value
Metrics.measure('GoogleBase.insert', 2.55)

# or more commonly pass a block that calls your code
Metrics.measure('GoogleBase.insert') do

or with metaprogramming:

GoogleBase.extend Metrics::Instrument
GoogleBase.metrics_measure :insert, 'GoogleBase.insert'

Metaprogramming methods

  • metrics_count adds '1' to the metric
  • metrics_count_if adds '1' to the metric if method returned something that evaulates to true. Takes optional block to evaluate the returned value.
  • metrics_count_success adds '1' to metric.success for successful calls and metrics.failure for failed calls.