
Mercury is a messaging layer that hides complexity for typical messaging scenarios.

  • backed by AMQP
  • runs in an EventMachine reactor
  • asynchronous API
  • serializes messages as JSON
  • optional monadic interface makes testing easier
  • simulator allows tests to run without a RabbitMQ server


Constructs diagram

In the above example, two publishers independently publish messages to the same source. One of them chooses to attach the tag foo.success to the messages it publishes. When the source receives a message, it immediately broadcasts the message to all attached queues.

Two independent listeners receive messages from the source. A listener has a private queue that is automatically removed when the listener disconnects from the server (i.e., any queued messages the listener would have received are lost).

A worker pool "A" has two workers handling messages. Messages in the queue are dealt to the workers as the workers acknowledge handling prior messages. If a worker disconnects without acknowledging completion, the message(s) it was working on are automatically replaced at the head of the queue. Worker queues persist even if all workers disconnect. Each worker pool has its own queue. Consequently, workers within a pool compete for messages, whereas workers across pools do not compete for messages.

Worker pool "B" has just one worker and has specified a tag filter.

Listeners and worker pools can specify tag filters which limit the messages they receive to only those with tags matching a particular pattern. A tag is zero or more words delimited by periods. A word is a string of alphanumeric characters. A filter is a string of zero or more words or wildcards. A wildcard is either * or #.

  • * matches exactly one word.
  • # matches zero or more words.

Note: A filter with zero words ('') matches no messages.

Note: Wildcards match only entire words. The filter f*.success does not match the tag foo.success.

A typical scenario is to have a single worker pool processing messages.

Typical scenario diagram

The publishers are often instances of the same service: either some other mercury worker pool or a web service.



Creates a mercury instance. paralellism is a natural number that indicates the maximum total number of outstanding (unacknowledged) messages allowed for this instance's workers. See the code for additional parameters.

publish(source_name, msg, tag)

Publishes a message to a source, with an optional tag.

start_worker(worker_pool_name, source_name, tag_filter, msg_handler)

Starts a worker in the specified pool subscribing to the specified source with the specified filter (optional). Incoming messages are passed to the message handler procedure.

start_listener(source_name, tag_filter, msg_handler)

Starts a listener.


Indicates message handling succeeded. The message is removed from the queue.


Indicates message handling failed, with the assumption that it might succeed at a later time. The message is returned to the front of the queue.


Indicates message handling failed, with the assumption that it can never succeed. The message is removed from the queue.


Like nack, except the message is returned to the back of the queue.

Note: All operations create the referenced constructs if they do not already exist.


If a message is a hash, mercury serializes it to JSON upon sending and deserializes it upon receiving.

If a message is a string, mercury writes it directly without any serialization; this allows a client to pre-encode a message using an arbitrary encoding. The receiving client receives the exact same string as the message content (assuming the serialized message fails to parse as JSON).

Thread safety

Mercury is not threadsafe. All calls to a particular instance must be made from the thread in which the instance was created.

Error handling

If there is a communication error (e.g., the connection to the server breaks) mercury raises an error. This behavior can be overridden.

Long running operations

The AMQP gem uses EventMachine timers to send heartbeats to the server. Message handling blocks the event loop, so each message must be handled within a few seconds, otherwise the server will miss a heartbeat and disconnect the client. Long-running message handlers should move their work to a thread pool to avoid blocking the event loop. EventMachine.defer and fiber_defer are two facilities for accomplishing this.

Example Usage

require 'mercury'

def run do do |m|
      m.start_worker('cooks', 'orders', method(:handle_message)) do
        # When this continuation block is called, the worker is guaranteed
        # to have been started, so we can start publishing orders.
        m.publish('orders', {'table' => 5, 'items' => ['salad', 'steak', 'cake']})

def handle_message(msg)
  order = msg.content

Notably, mercury also has a monadic interface that hides the explicit continuation passing introduced by asynchrony, which has the effect of flattening chained calls. This is particularly useful for testing, where the same code plays both sides of a conversation. Compare:

require 'mercury' do |m|
  m.start_listener(source, proc{}) do
    m.source_exists?(source) do |r1|
      expect(r1).to be true
      m.delete_source(source) do
        m.source_exists?(source) do |r2|
          expect(r2).to be false
          m.close do

# ... vs ...

require 'mercury/monadic'

seql do
  let(:m)  {    }
  and_then { m.start_listener(source) }
  let(:r1) { m.source_exists?(source) }
  and_lift { expect(r1).to be true    }
  and_then { m.delete_source(source)  }
  let(:r2) { m.source_exists?(source) }
  and_lift { expect(r2).to be false   }
  and_then { m.close                  }
  and_lift { done                     }

Monadic Interface

The monad is a versatile design pattern. There is plenty of literature online, but for now all you need to know is that mercury uses monad principles to chain together asynchronous operations. It all starts with a Cps object.

2.2.2 :005 > add1 = { |n, &k| }
 => #<Mercury::Cps:...>

Much like, merely captures some operation in an object but does not do any actual work. The key difference is that Cps captures a "continuation-passing style" ("CPS") operation. That is, instead of returning a value to the caller, the operation takes its continuation as an additional argument k. (The actual name doesn't matter, of course, but k is traditional.) k is simply a Proc. You can loosely think of it as the "return Proc", as opposed to the usual return statement.

To invoke a Proc we call Proc#call. To invoke a Cps, we call Cps#run, passing the normal arguments as well as the continuation (the block).

2.2.2 :006 > { |result| puts "result = #{result}" }
result = 3

As you've seen already, asynchronous APIs are closely tied to CPS. In the case of mercury, an operation may involve a conversation with the server. CPS allows our code to go off and do other things -- namely, handle other independent requests -- but also be notified when the operation finally completes.

Combining operations

Cps provides a means of combining operations into a larger operation: Cps#and_then.

def add1(n) { |&k| }

def print_value(n) do |&k|
    puts "value = #{n}"

def add1_and_print(n)
  add1(n).and_then { |v| print_value(v) }
2.2.2 :028 > add1_and_print(2).run
value = 3

Cps#and_then's block accepts the result of the previous operation and returns the Cps object representing the next operation to perform.

As it turns out, the best way to factor an operation is as a method that

  • accepts the operation arguments, and
  • returns a Cps object

as seen above.


As you can imagine, long and_then chains can get syntactially messy. This is where seq comes in.

def add1_and_print(n)
  seq do |th|
    th.en {     add1(n)        }
    th.en { |v| print_value(v) }

This is still not ideal; it would be nice to have a way to bind v to the result of add1(n) rather than introducing a parameter on the line below. seql contains some magic that allows us to do exactly this. (It also eliminates the weird th.en.)

def add1_and_print(n)
  seql do
    let(:v)  { add1(n)        }
    and_then { print_value(v) }

Another benefit of seql and let is that it makes v visible to all subsequent and_then blocks, not just the immediately following one.

But what if we want to introduce a non-CPS operation into our sequence?

def add1_and_print(n)
  seql do
    let(:v)  { add1(n)        }
    and_then { puts 'added!'  }
    and_then { print_value(v) }
2.2.2 :061 > add1_and_print(2).run
RuntimeError: 'and_then' block did not return a Cps object.

This fails because it violates the requirement that the and_then block return a Cps object, and puts does not. lift returns a Cps object for a block of direct-style code.

def add1_and_print(n)
  seql do
    let(:v)  { add1(n)                }
    and_then { lift { puts 'added!' } }
    and_then { print_value(v)         }
2.2.2 :053 > add1_and_print(2).run
value = 3

Finally, a little clean up:

def add1_and_print(n)
  seql do
    let(:v)  { add1(n)        }
    and_lift { puts 'added!'  }
    and_then { print_value(v) }


Mercury::Monadic simply wraps Mercury so that the methods return Cps objects rather than accepting an explicit continuation.

seql do
  let(:m)  {    }
  and_then { m.start_listener(source) }

It is particularly useful when writing tests.

Design Details


This method publishes a copy of the message to the back of the queue, then acks the original message. This is a similar operation to ack/nack/reject. It is only applicable to messages received by workers, since listener messages cannot be acknowledged. Unlike other acknowledgements, #republish takes a continuation (due to the publish operation), so the method is located on Mercury rather than Mercury::ReceivedMessage.

It is important that the message is republished to the AMQP queue and not the source. Acknowledgement is a worker concern. If two different worker pools were working off a common source, it wouldn't make sense for pool A to get a duplicate message because pool B failed to handle the message.

AMQP allows publishing to a particular queue by sending the message to the default exchange, specifying the queue name as the routing key. Thus, if the message was originally sent with a non-empty routing key, that information is lost. Some clients rely on the routing key/tag to dictate behavior (by reading Mercury::ReceivedMessage#tag). To avoid breaking such clients, republish propagates the original tag in a header and reports this value as the tag on the republished message.

Republishing also introduces a Republish-Count header and corresponding attribute Mercury::ReceivedMessage#republish_count. This value is incremented each time the message is republished. Clients may want to check this value and act differently if it exceeds some threshold.

Design Decisions

Continuation blocks are required

It would be possible to make continuation blocks optional. The problem is that this allows the user to make the mistake of treating the API as synchronous and only discover their error when tests fail, probably intermittently. An empty block can be passed, but at least it indicates that the continuation is being intentionally ignored.