
This gem encompasses various distance measures. Besides the Array class, I also want to support NMatrix's NVector.

My objective is to be able to compare different metrics just by changing which method is called. Also, to show how to use NMatrix's C API. I'll create most of the things in pure Ruby first, then the most used operations (or the slowest ones) will be rewritten in C.

This is a fork of the gem Distance Measure, which has a similar objective, but isn't actively maintained and doesn't support NMatrix. Thank you, reddavis. :)


gem install measurable

It only works with Ruby MRI 1.9.3 or 2.0.0. I still want to test it on JRuby, but as its still pure Ruby, it should work correctly there.

Distance measures that I want to support for the moment

These still need to be implemented:

  • Cityblock distance
  • Chebyshev distance
  • Minkowski distance
  • Hamming distance
  • Correlation distance
  • Chi-square distance
  • Kullback-Leibler divergence
  • Jensen-Shannon divergence
  • Mahalanobis distance
  • Squared Mahalanobis distance

How to use

This list will be updated as I have time. I'll refactor the existing measures and add some that I'll need in a project.

The API I intend to support is something like this:

require "measurable"

u = NVector.ones(2)
v = NVector.zeros(2)
w = [1, 0]
x = [2, 2]

Measurable::euclidean(u, v) # => 1.41421
Measurable::euclidean(w, v) # => 1.00000
Measurable::euclidean(w, w) # => 0.00000

Maybe add support for (some of) NMatrix's dtypes, like :float32, :float64, :complex64, :complex128, etc. This will have to way until Measurable supports NMatrix C API.


See LICENSE for details.

The original Distance Measure gem is copyrighted by @reddavis.