Maven Require for JRuby

Why shouldn't interactively loading Java libraries be as easy as using Ruby gems?

If you using JRuby, maven_require lets you install and use Maven-published Java libraries interactively. For non-interactive use, we recommend creating a Jarfile with jar-dependencies, which this gem is based on.


gem install maven-require


require 'maven_require'
maven_require 'groupid:artifactid' # installs latest
maven_require 'groupid', 'artifactid' # installs latest
maven_require 'groupid:artifactid:version' # installs specified version
maven_require 'groupid', 'artifactid','version' # installs specified version

# load a set of items, resolved together
maven_require do |deps|
    deps.jar 'groupid:artifactid' # installs latest
    deps.jar 'groupid', 'artifactid' # installs latest
    deps.jar 'groupid:artifactid:version' # installs specified version
    deps.jar 'groupid', 'artifactid','version' # installs specified version

If you are requiring multiple dependencies, it is hightly recommended to use the block form as it resolves all transitive dependencies together

NOTE: multiple calls to maven_require will re-resolve the given artifact.


To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at