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MaskSQL is a command-line tool to mask sensitive values in a SQL file.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'mask_sql'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install mask_sql


Mask sensitive values in a SQL file

$ mask_sql --in dump.sql --out masked_dump.sql --config mask_config.yml

Generate a config file

$ mask_sql init

Command Options

Option Alias Description Default
--in -i Input file path (Required).
--out -o Output file path (Required).
--config -c Config YAML file path. .mask.yml in the working directory.
--insert true if mask INSERT SQL. false, but true if --insert, --replace, and --copy options are not given.
--replace true if mask REPLACE SQL. false, but true if --insert, --replace, and --copy options are not given.
--copy true if mask COPY SQL. false, but true if --insert, --replace, and --copy options are not given.


The following keys are available in the config YAML file.

Top level keys

Key Description Type
mark Replacement text. String
targets Array of targets. Array

Keys for targets

Key Description Type
table Target table name. String
columns Columns count of the table. Integer
dummy_values Target column index (zero-based) and dummy text. Hash
group_indexes Array of column indexes (zero-based).
Records that have the same values in these indexes are considered as the same numbering group.


Input file (includes sensitive values):

INSERT INTO `people` (`id`, `code`, `name`, `email`) VALUES (1,'01','坂本龍馬','[email protected]'),(2,'02','高杉晋作','[email protected]'),(3,'03','沖田総司','[email protected]');
INSERT INTO `cats` (`code`, `name`) VALUES ('01','Sora'),('02','Hana'),('03','Leo');
INSERT INTO `dogs` (`code`, `name`, `house_id`, `room_id`) VALUES ('01','Pochi',1,1),('02','Rose',2,1),('03','Momo',1,1),('04','Sakura',1,2);

REPLACE INTO `people` (`id`, `code`, `name`, `email`) VALUES (1,'01','坂本龍馬','[email protected]'),(2,'02','高杉晋作','[email protected]'),(3,'03','沖田総司','[email protected]');
REPLACE INTO `cats` (`code`, `name`) VALUES ('01','Sora'),('02','Hana'),('03','Leo');
REPLACE INTO `dogs` (`code`, `name`, `house_id`, `room_id`) VALUES ('01','Pochi',1,1),('02','Rose',2,1),('03','Momo',1,1),('04','Sakura',1,2);

COPY people (id, code, name, email) FROM stdin;
1   01  坂本龍馬    [email protected]
2   02  高杉晋作    [email protected]
3   03  沖田総司    [email protected]
COPY cats (code, name) FROM stdin;
01  Sora
02  Hana
03  Leo
COPY dogs (code, name, house_id, room_id) FROM stdin;
01  Pochi   1   1
02  Rose    2   1
03  Momo    1   1
04  Sakura  1   2

Output file (the sensitive values are masked):

INSERT INTO `people` (`id`, `code`, `name`, `email`) VALUES (1,'01','氏名1','[email protected]'),(2,'02','氏名2','[email protected]'),(3,'03','氏名3','[email protected]');
INSERT INTO `cats` (`code`, `name`) VALUES ('code-1','Cat name 1'),('code-2','Cat name 2'),('code-3','Cat name 3');
INSERT INTO `dogs` (`code`, `name`, `house_id`, `room_id`) VALUES ('code-1','Dog name 1',1,1),('code-1','Dog name 1',2,1),('code-2','Dog name 2',1,1),('code-1','Dog name 1',1,2);

REPLACE INTO `people` (`id`, `code`, `name`, `email`) VALUES (1,'01','氏名1','[email protected]'),(2,'02','氏名2','[email protected]'),(3,'03','氏名3','[email protected]');
REPLACE INTO `cats` (`code`, `name`) VALUES ('code-1','Cat name 1'),('code-2','Cat name 2'),('code-3','Cat name 3');
REPLACE INTO `dogs` (`code`, `name`, `house_id`, `room_id`) VALUES ('code-1','Dog name 1',1,1),('code-1','Dog name 1',2,1),('code-2','Dog name 2',1,1),('code-1','Dog name 1',1,2);

COPY people (id, code, name, email) FROM stdin;
1   01  氏名1 [email protected]
2   02  氏名2 [email protected]
3   03  氏名3 [email protected]
COPY cats (code, name) FROM stdin;
code-1  Cat name 1
code-2  Cat name 2
code-3  Cat name 3
COPY dogs (code, name, house_id, room_id) FROM stdin;
code-1  Dog name 1  1   1
code-1  Dog name 1  2   1
code-2  Dog name 2  1   1
code-1  Dog name 1  1   2

Config file:

mark: '[mask]'
  - table: people
    columns: 4
      2: 氏名[mask]
      3: email-[mask]
  - table: cats
    columns: 2
      0: code-[mask]
      1: Cat name [mask]
  - table: dogs
    columns: 4
      0: code-[mask]
      1: Dog name [mask]
      - 2
      - 3

Supported Ruby Versions

  • Ruby 2.0.0
  • Ruby 2.1
  • Ruby 2.2
  • Ruby 2.3
  • Ruby 2.4


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome.
