
This project is based on the need of a private message system for ging / social_stream. Instead of creating our core message system heavily dependent on our development we are trying to implement a generic and potent messaging gem.

It is born from the great, but old, code from lpsergi / acts_as_messageable.

There is a lack of documentaion and it will be solved as soon as the gem is more stable and had proved to be useful integrated with SocialStream.


Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'mailboxer'

Then run:

bundle update

Run install script:

rails g mailboxer:install

And don’t forget to migrate you database:

rake db:migrate


We are now adding support for sending emails when a Notification or a Message is sent to one o more recipients. So that, we mus assure that Messageable models have some specific methods. This methods are:

#Returning any kind of indentification you want for the model
def name
  return "You should add method :name in your Messageable model"

#Returning the email address of the model
def email
  return "define_email@on_your.model"

#Returning whether an email should be sent for this object (Message or Notification)
def should_email?(object)
  return true

If these methods are not present, default ones will be created (the ones above).


In your model:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base      