
CLI and library for generating Magento local.xml files. Generates both app/etc/local.xml and errors/local.xml from the a specified TOML configuration file. Also supports converting an existing Magento XML configuration file into a TOML file.

Prefixes the TOML data with the type of Magento configuration file so that multiple Magento local.xml files can be stored in a common configuration and then separate files be generated later.

Supports arbitrary values in the both the local.xml and toml config, so new configuration can be added without prior knowledge.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'magnetize'

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install magnetize



  • $ magnetize help


require 'magnetize'

opts = {
  :types => {
    'app' => {
      :magento => 'app/etc/local.xml',
      :toml => 'config.toml',
      :content => nil # optional raw content
    'errors' => {
      :magento => 'errors/local.xml',
      :toml => 'config.toml',
      :content => nil # optional raw content

# => {"app"=> "[app.config.admin.routers.adminhtml.args]\nfrontName = \"admin\"\n[]\ndisable_local_modules = \"false\"\n[]\nkey = \"foo\"\n[]\ndate = \"Tue, 04 Feb 2014\"...", "errors"=> "..."}

# => {"app"=> "<config><admin><routers><adminhtml><args><frontName>admin</frontName></args></adminhtml></routers></admin><global><disable_local_modules>false</disable_local_modules><crypt><key>foo</key></crypt><install><date>Tues, 04 Feb 2014...," "error"=> ".."}



require 'magnetize/capistrano'

This adds two tasks to your Cap:

  • magentize:push: sends your configured local TOML up to the servers as Magento XML.
  • magnetize:pull: pulls down a local copy of the configured Magento XML as TOML.

And then to deploy every time:


before 'deploy:check:linked_files', 'magnetize:push'

Configuration and default values

set :magnetize_roles, :app # roles to magnetize on push
set :magnetize_dir, '.' # local magnento dir, relative to capistrano
set :magnetize_appxml_path, 'app/etc' # app/etc/local.xml directory relative to cap
set :magnetize_errorsxml_path, 'errors' # errors/local.xml directory relative to cap
set :magnetize_toml, 'config.toml' # toml to magnetize
set :magnetize_force, false # overwrite existing TOML (takes effect on PULL only)

To use a different TOML per stage you could do something like:

in deploy/production.rb: set :magnetize_toml, 'magnetize.production.toml'

in deploy/staging.rb: set :magnetize_toml, 'magnetize.staging.toml'

Version 1

Version 1 is functionally equivalent in that it generates local.xml files from ENV. However it relies on all configuration values being present in the template it's output to. This means it's inflexible when dealing with new configuration options.

Version 2 is a complete re-write and is API incompatible with V1. V1 is available here on this branch


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request