Losant Ruby MQTT Client

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The Losant MQTT client provides a simple way for custom things to communicate with the Losant platform over MQTT. You can authenticate as a device, publish device state, and listen for device commands.

This client works with Ruby 2.1 and higher, and it depends on Event Machine to provide event-driven I/O.


The latest stable version is available in RubyGems and can be installed using

gem install losant_mqtt


Below is a high-level example of using the Losant Ruby MQTT client to send the value of a temperature sensor to the Losant platform.

require "losant_mqtt"

EventMachine.run do

  # Construct device
  device = LosantMqtt::Device.new(
    device_id: "my-device-id",
    key: "my-app-access-key",
    secret: "my-app-access-secret")

  # Send temperature once every ten seconds.
  EventMachine::PeriodicTimer.new(10.0) do
    temp = call_out_to_your_sensor_here()
    device.send_state({ temperature: temp })
    puts "#{device.device_id}: Sent state"

  # Listen for commands.
  device.on(:command) do |d, command|
    puts "#{d.device_id}: Command received."
    puts command["name"]
    puts command["payload"]

  # Listen for connection event
  device.on(:connect) do |d|
    puts "#{d.device_id}: Connected"

  # Listen for reconnection event
  device.on(:reconnect) do |d|
    puts "#{d.device_id}: Reconnected"

  # Listen for disconnection event
  device.on(:close) do |d, reason|
    puts "#{d.device_id}: Lost connection (#{reason})"

  # Connect to Losant.

API Documentation


A device represents a single thing or widget that you'd like to connect to the Losant platform. A single device can contain many different sensors or other attached peripherals. Devices can either report state or respond to commands.

A device's state represents a snapshot of the device at some point in time. If the device has a temperature sensor, it might report state every few seconds with the temperature. If a device has a button, it might only report state when the button is pressed. Devices can report state as often as needed by your specific application.

Commands instruct a device to take a specific action. Commands are defined as a name and an optional payload. For example, if the device is a scrolling marquee, the command might be "update text" and the payload would include the text to update.


LosantMqtt::Device.new(device_id:, key:, secret:, secure: true, retry_lost_connection: true)

The Client() initializer takes the following arguments:

  • device_id
    The device's ID. Obtained by first registering a device using the Losant platform.

  • key
    The Losant access key.

  • secret
    The Losant access secret.

  • secure
    If the client should connect to Losant over SSL - default is true.

  • retry_lost_connection
    If the client should retry lost connections - default is true. Errors on initial connect will still be raised, but if a good connection is subsequently lost and this flag is true, the client will try to automatically reconnect and will not raise errors (except in the case of authentication errors, which will still be raised). When this flag is true, disconnection and reconnection can be monitored using the :close and :reconnect events.

device = LosantMqtt::Device.new(device_id: "my-device-id",
  key: "my-app-access-key", secret: "my-app-access-secret")



Connects the device to the Losant platform. Hook the :connect event to know when a connection has been successfully established. Returns the device instance to allow chaining.



Returns a boolean indicating whether or not the device is currently connected to the Losant platform.



Closes the device's connection to the Losant platform.


send_state(state, time = nil)

Sends a device state to the Losant platform. In many scenarios, device states will change rapidly. For example a GPS device will report GPS coordinates once a second or more. Because of this, sendState is typically the most invoked function. Any state data sent to Losant is stored and made available in data visualization tools and workflow triggers.

  • state
    The state to send as a hash.

  • time
    When the state occured - if nil or not set, will default to now.

device.send_state({ voltage: read_analog_in() })


on(event, proc=nil, &block)

Adds an observer to listen for an event on this device.

  • event
    The event name to listen for. Possible events are: :connect (the device has connected), :reconnect (the device lost its connection and reconnected), :close (the device's connection was closed), and :command (the device has received a command from Losant).

  • proc / &block
    The proc or block to call with the given event fires. The first argument for all callbacks will be the device instance. For :close callbacks, there can be a second argument which is the reason for the closing of the connection, and for :command callbacks the second argument is the command received.

device.on(:command) do |device, command|
  puts "Command received."
  puts command["name"]
  puts command["payload"]


An alias to on.


remove_listener(event, proc)

Removes an observer from listening for an event on this device.

  • event
    The event name to stop listening for. Same events as on.

  • proc
    The proc that should be removed.

Copyright (c) 2017 Losant IoT, Inc
