
Quickly overview weather forecast in your preferred cities, using OpenWeatherMap API.

Get started

To install Lombard, run this command:

gem install lombard

It is already done. That was fast!


For fetching forecast, just run lombard with any city name:

$ lombard London
# London (GB)
  Clear - Sky is Clear
  1°C / 34°F

$ lombard San Francisco
# San Francisco (US)
  Clear - Sky is Clear
  20°C / 69°F



Displays forecast for any favorite. Firstly, run lombard --init for creating a default config file (~/.lombard.yml). Then, list your favorite cities in this YAML file:

- San Francisco
- Bordeaux
- Périgueux

Running lombard without any argument is an alias for lombard --favorites.


Displays help message.


Generates empty configuration file.


Gets current version.