
Generates a simple HTML file based upon my custom timesheet format.

I can then embed this on my OSX Dashboard to be able to see how I’m progressing throughout the day/week/month.

It’s probably not so useful to you, unless you happen to like my worklog format.

I run the script every 5 minutes with cron so as that the HTML stays up-to-date. The page is set to auto-refresh every 2.5 minutes.

The colours change when I have done at least 5 hours of work per day, and 25 hours per week.


* tail_from_sentinel


logstats INPUTFILE.txt OUTPUTFILE.html

Worklog Format

I use a text based worklog format for all my timekeeping.

This is a simple text file that sits in my Dropbox, and it symlinked to my home. I keep it open in an editor all day so as that I can quickly jot down when my task changes.

It works great for unexpected interruptions, as I can quickly update it when I am back, or even while I am on the phone (only need to type the time I answer the call).

The format looks like this :

0900 ABC 1234567 1012
1015 ABC 9876543 1100
1100 ABC Deploy 1110

1200 XY1 2345678 1230

Each day has a simple header in DDMMMYYYY format, where YYYY is optional where it is the same as the record before.

Within the day, each line follows a simple format :

* the start time (in 24hr)

* a message, which starts with a 3-character project code (if billable).
  I usually follow this with a Pivotal Tracker Story ID, or a note
  about what I was doing.
  If it's not billable work, I might use this space to log an
  unexpected call for instance.
  This field is freeform, with the project picked up if it's there.

* the end time (in 24hr). It's fine for this to be in the next day.
  Eg: 2330 ABC allnighter 0230


* Tests!
* Make it more customizable. Not everyone has the same thresholds that I keep.