Using transport client to connect to Shield

  1. build gem:

gem build logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield.gemspec

  1. clone logstash:

git clone

  1. install gem and other plugins in the logstash dir:
cd logstash
rake bootstrap
bin/plugin install logstash-output-elasticsearch
bin/plugin install /tmp/logstash-output-elasticsearch-shield-0.1.5.gem
# install other needed plugins
bin/plugin install logstash-input-generator
bin/plugin install logstash-output-stdout
bin/plugin install logstash-codec-rubydebug
  1. create a config file
input {
  generator { count => 1 }
output {
  elasticsearch {
    host => "node01"
    protocol => "transport"
    node_name => "logstash"
    cluster => "themess"
    user => "logstash"
    password => "lsdata"
    ssl => true
    truststore => "/tmp/truststore.jks"
    truststore_password => "test"
    keystore => "/tmp/node02keystore.jks"
    keystore_password => "test"
  stdout { codec => rubydebug }
  1. run logstash

bin/logstash -f shield.conf