Logtypes support

we only support 'ApexExecution','ApexSoap','ApexTrigger','API','BulkApi','Dashboard','LightningError','LightningInteraction','LightningPageView','LightningPerformance','LoginAs','Login','Logout','MetadataApiOperation','Report','RestApi','URI','VisualforceRequest','WaveChange','WaveInteraction','WavePerformance' log types.

How to publish a new version

  • Make your code changes in sfdc_elf.rb, ensure any new configuration has default values
  • update the gemspec file with the right version and repo
  • bundle it sh gem build logstash-input-sfdc_elf_schneider.gemspec
  • publish it sh gem push logstash-input-sfdc_elf_schneider-1.(yourversion).gem

Logstash Plugin for Salesforce's Event Log File

The Salesforce Event Log File Ruby Gem plug-in simplifies the integration between the ELK stack and Event Log Files by allowing you to easily download and index Salesforce event data every day without a custom integration.

ELF on ELK on Docker is the quickest way to get started. Check the links below.

Logstash Plugin Config

input {
    sfdc_elf {
        # === Required Fields ===

        # Input the username and password of your Force.com organization.
        username       => ""
        password       => ""

        # Id & Secret are values that are generated when you create a "Connected App."
        client_id      => ""
        client_secret  => ""

        # === OPTIONAL FIELDS ===
        # Leave these fields commented out (with '#') if the config does not apply to you. Some of the fields
        # have default values

        # Only needed when your Force.com organization requires it.
        # security_token => ""

        # The path to be use to store the .sfdc_info_logstash state persistor file. You set the path
        # like so, "~/SomeDirectory" Paths must be absolute and cannot be relative.
        # Defaults to your home directory "~/".
        # path           => ""

        # Specify how often the plugin should grab new data in terms of minutes.
        # Defaults to 1440 minutes (1 day). We recommend keeping it at 1 day.
        # poll_interval_in_minutes => 60

        # The host to use for OAuth2 authentication.
        # Defaluts to "login.salesforce.com".
        # Use "test.salesforce.com" for connecting to Sandbox instance.
        # host           => ""


Setting up a Salesforce Connected App

Detailed instructions for setting up a Connected App can be found here. When configuring the connected application, ensure the following options are configured:

  1. Enable OAuth Settings is checked.
  2. Access and manage data (api) and Access your basic information (id, profile, email, address, phone) are included in your Selected OAuth Scopes.

Blogs, Articles, and Tutorials

  1. Elf on Elk on Docker by Adam Torman
  2. Elf on Elk on Docker Image Source Code
  3. 'Users: WE KNOW THEM' – The ELF@Salesforce at ElasticON '16 by Adam Torman and Abhishek Sreenivasa