
LogicalTabs is a Rails gem for generating a tabbed panel interface. It has a couple of advantages over existing solutions (like the tabs item in JQuery UI, or the old Rails plugin railstabbedpanel):

  • Tabs are persistent across page loads. Reload a page and the tab you had selected is still selected.

  • Rails helper to write the HTML for you and keep the IDs of all the elements involved straight. Less HTML for you to write and manage.

  • Output designed to print well (with stacked panels) and display comprehensibly if CSS and JS are not available.

  • If you create multiple tabbed panels on one page, the helper will automatically increment a suffix on the element’s ID to keep them distinct.

  • Unobtrusive javascript on simple markup.

  • Compatible with both Prototype and jQuery.

  • HTML helpers compatible with both ERB and HAML, resistant to future changes in ActionView::Base and HAML.

Note: jQuery compatibility is a bit of a weekend hack. In particular, it was written primarily for Prototype, and the jQuery version of the javasscript is a quick hack of the prototype code to make it work in jQuery. It does work, but is not a proper jQuery plugin and doesn’t talk to jQueryUI at all. I do plan to clean this up for future releases, but am happy to accept contributions from anyone else who is interested.

In an upcoming version we will release it with a third Javascript that uses NinjaScript syntax. For more information on NinjaScript, see github.com/LRDesign/NinjaScript.


logical_tabs >= 0.8.0 is built for Rails 3.0.x. Versions below 0.8 were a plugin (not a gem) for Rails 2.x. If you want to use LogicalTabs with Rails 2.x, see the “rails2_plugin” branch of this project on github:



Add to your Gemfile:

gem 'logical_tabs'

Install the basic stylesheets and javascripts:

rails generate logical_tabs install

The above command installs CSS stylesheet into public/stylesheets and a prototype version of the javascript into public/javascripts. Pass ‘–css=sass’ to instead copy a SASS version to public/stylesheets/sass. Pass ‘–js=jquery’ to copy the jquery javascript instead of the prototype. Pass –css

Include the css in your application layout:

<%= stylesheet_include_tag 'logical_tabs', :media => :all %>

Note that the :media => :all is important, because the LT stylesheet contains directives for print and handhelds as well as screen. The default LT stylesheets will eliminate the tabs and display all of the panels in order with headers so that the full content is visible during print.

Include the js in your application layout:

For Prototype: <%= javascript_include_tag 'logical_tabs_prototype.js' %>
For jQuery: <%= javascript_include_tag 'logical_tabs_jquery.js' %>

Note that both of the above javascripts include dependencies; logical_tabs_prototype.js includes a copy of Lalit Patel’s CookieJar (www.lalit.org/lab/jsoncookies ) and logical_tabs_jquery.js includes a copy of Jon Combe’s Jookie. If you already have one of those libraries installed in your application, you’ll want to strip the duplicate out of this plugin’s js file.

Example Usage

Create new tabbed panels by calling the ‘tabbed_panel’ helper and feeding blocks of content to the ‘add_tab’ method:

<%= tabbed_panel do |tp| %>
  <% tp.add_tab("Tab One") do %>
    Content for Tab One
  <% end %>
  <% tp.add_tab("Tab Two") do %>
    Content for Tab Two
  <% end %>
  <% tp.add_tab("Tab Three") do %>
    <p>Content for Tab Three</p>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

You can override the ID or text used for a tab:

<% tp.add_tab("Tab Four", :base_id => 'my_tab', :text => "Tab Text") do %>
  Content for Tab four.
<% end %>

You can also specify pane content rather than pass a block:

<% tp.add_tab("Tab Four", :content => "Content for tab four") %>

In each case, the helper will generate a DIV that contains a UL of the tabs (each tab in an LI) and a set of DIVs containing each of the content panes.

See more examples (including both ERB and HAML formatting) in the logical_tabs_demo example project: github.com/LRDesign/logical_tabs_demo

Print compatibility

LogicalTabs includes an <h3> in each pane with the same text as that pane’s <li> tab. This header has class ‘.printonly’, and the default stylesheet eliminates it for screen and projection media. The default stylesheet also removes the <ul class=‘tabs’> from the page for print media.

The effect is that, when printed, the content of each pane appears, stacked in source order, with an associated header explaining the content. This makes for a much happier experience for the printout user.

This can also be leveraged with an @media = ‘handheld’ stylesheet to give stacked panels on mobile devices that don’t support the full screen simulation common on modern smartphones.


Convection is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the LICENSE file for more details.


Copyright Evan Dorn and Logical Reality Design, 2010-2011

Design and Development:

Logical Reality Design, Altadena, California
Evan Dorn, Lead Developer

Future Plans

NinjaScript compatibility coming soon.

Version History

0.8.0 (March 1, 2011)

  • Released Rails 3-compatible version as a gem.

  • Added improved formatting for printout

0.6.2 (June 8, 2010)

  • Removed some unnecessary console debugging calls from the jQuery script and updated this README.

0.6.1 (May 11, 2010)

  • Fixed a serious bug with the jQuery script.

0.6 (April 29, 2010)

  • Added jQuery-compatible javascript.

0.5 (April 22, 2010)

  • Initial release, contains only Prototype-compatible javascript.