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Airbrake appender for the Logging gem. Airbrake v5 is not supported.


require "logging"
require "logging/appenders/airbrake"

log = Logging.logger[self]
  Logging.appenders.airbrake(:api_key => "123XYZ", :ignore => %w[SomeThang AnotherThang])

# Or

Airbrake.configure do |cfg|
  # ...


log.info  "Not sent to airbrake"
log.error "Airbrake here I come!"
log.error SomeError.new("See you @ airbrake.io!")


Only events with the :error log level are sent to Airbrake. Errors are not sent asynchronously, though this can be changed via Airbrake.configure.

By default the appender will be named "airbrake". This can be changed by passing a name to the airbrake method:

Logging.appenders.airbrake("another_name", options)

Airbrake configuration can be done via Airbrake.configure or via Logging.appenders.airbrake. All Airbrake::Configuration options can be passed to the latter.

Internally Airbrake.configure will be called only if Airbrake.sender has not been set. This gives some options set by Airbrake.configure precedence over those passed into the logger.

Using With logging-rails

If you're already using Airbrake then your current Airbrake initializer will be used. If not you can either create one or specify your options in config/logging.rb.

In config/logging.rb:

Logging.appenders.airbrake if config.log_to.include?("airbrake")

In config/environments/xxx.rb, where xxx corresponds to the desired Rails.env:

config.log_to = %w[airbrake]  # or %w[airbrake file email] # etc...


Skye Shaw [sshaw AT gmail.com]


Released under the MIT License: www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT