Lock Block

Mark sections of Ruby code as important. Check if these sections have changed. The difference checking intelligently ignores code formatting.


Installing this gem provides a command line program to annotate Ruby code.

lock_block [options] [filename]

If a file is not specified, the program will read from STDIN.

--lock, -l (default) Lock the block. Wraps code in tagged annotation.
--check, -c List all blocks thare are outdated.
--resolve, -r Update tags in annotation to mark blocks as up to date.
--guard, -g path-to-repo Installs pre-commit hook to repo to prevent committing broken locks.

Vim Configuration

Lock Block is good on its own but better with Vim. Add the following to your ~/.vimrc:

function! LockBlockCheck(arg)
  let tmp1=&grepprg
  set grepprg=lock_block
  exe "silent! grep -c ".a:arg
  exe "cw"
  let &grepprg=tmp1
command! -nargs=1 LBCheck call LockBlockCheck(<f-args>)
" Check for broken locks in current file
nmap <leader>lc :LBCheck %<CR>

" Lock selected block
vmap <silent> <Leader>ll !lock_block<CR>
" Resolved selected blocks
vmap <silent> <Leader>lr !lock_block -r<CR>

This will give you three commands:

<leader>lc Check the current file, open problems in quicklist.
<leader>ll Replace selection with locked version.
<leader>lr Resolve all blocks in selected region.