
A number of extremely good frameworks exist in Ruby for creating request/response applications, such as Rails, Sinatra etc.

Requesting resources (for example, /profiles.json) is handled very well. In Rails the request would route through the ProfilesController, load the collection of Profile models, and render the index view (MVC). Other framweorks supply similar abstractions.

Unfortunately, frameworks based on the request/response model of interaction don't have an appropriate abstraction for things that change between requests. For example, when a Profile is created the /profiles.json resource has changed, but in the absence of a request there's no way for my application to notify clients that the resource has changed.

The LiveResource gem adds the concept of a Resource, which is an object derived from server state (such as models) that can be pulled (requested, as in the above example), or pushed when changes to server state are detected.

It also provides a Builder object that can be used to fluently describe the attributes of a live resource; namely: its dependencies on elements of server state and the method of identifying individual instances of the resource.


Describe the profiles#show resource.

profiles_show_resource =, ...)

# How do we identify individual profile_show_resources?
# This allows us to describe changes to a particular instance of the resource.
profiles_show_resource.identifier { |profile| "/profiles/#{}" }

# If a Profile changes, there will be a corresponding profiles_show_resource instance that changes.
# In other words, when a Profile changes, push an update to the profiles_show_resource identified by the calling the
# #identifier block we just defined and passing in the modified profile instance.
profiles_show_resource.depends_on(Profile) { |profile| push(profile) }


  • Rails
    • Allows you to define live resources inline in controllers
    • Hooks into Rails' configuration
  • ActiveRecord
    • Adds support for specifying dependencies on ActiveRecord model classes
  • Pubnub
    • Adds support for pushing updates via Pubnub
  • RSpec
    • Adds support for testing live resources in RSpec


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'live_resource'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install live_resource

You will probably need one or more of the above integrations as well.

gem 'live_resource-rails'        # For Rails projects
gem 'live_resource-activerecord' # If you're using AR
gem 'live_resource-pubnub'       # To push updates through Pubnub


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request