
Localiazed select lists helper.

Provides a simple helper to get an HTML select list of any lists defined in your locales files. Has builtin lists for selecting countries, languages and more. Adds country_select helper to integrate with SimpleForm and Formtastic.


Tested with Rails 3. Might work with other versions, too.


Install a gem:

gem install list_select

Or add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'list_select'

Also you can install as a plugin:

rails plugin install


Define any list in your locale file RAILS_ROOT/config/locales/en.rb:

{ :en => { :animals => {
  :dog => 'A Dog',
  :cat => 'A Cat',
  :cow => 'A Cow',
  :pig => 'A Pig'

Make a select list in your view(examples of different usage):

<%= f.list_select(:pet, :animals) %>

<%= list_select("user", "pet", :animals) %>

<%= list_select_tag("user_pet", :animals) %>


The only List Select specific option is a :priority_items option. All other options are the same as for other Rails form helpers.

<%= f.list_select(:pet, :animals, :priority_items => [ :dog, :cat ]) %>
<%= f.list_select(:pet, :animals, :default => :dog) %>
<%= f.list_select(:pet, :animals, :include_blank => 'Select your pet...') %>

Built in lists

There are built in lists. They are:

  • countries_cldr.en

  • countries_iso3166_1_alpha_2.en # Recommended for Chargify API

  • languages_cldr.en

  • google_adwords_countries.en

  • google_search_languages.en

  • google_adwords_languages.en

  • google_interface_languages.en

You need to install list you need before you can use it.

You can do this wth list_select generator.


rails generate list_select --help               # See avalable lists
rails generate list_select countries_cldr.en    # Install one you need

Notice: You might need to restart your server for installed list to be available.

Integration with 3rd party gems

ListSelect works with SimpleForm and Formtastic. It adds country_select helper campatible with them. You can also customize the countries list you use. Default country list is :countries_cldr.

See examples:

<%= f.input :country %>                              # will use countries_cldr list (you should install it first)
<%= f.input :country, :list => :my_country_list %>   # use :my_country_list defined in your locale files
<%= f.input :country, :priority => [:US,:BY] %>      # set priority options
<%= f.input :country, :prompt => 'Select one...' %>  # set the prompt
<%= f.input :country, :include_blank => true %>      # include blank option


  • Add tests

  • Add rake tasks to refetch lists

  • Add more lists and locales

Copyright © 2010-2011 Dmitry Naumov, released under the MIT license