Linear Feedback Shift Register

The generation of random numbers is too important to be left to chance.
                                                                    Robert R. Coveyou

What is this?

Wikipedia extract:

A linear feedback shift register (LFSR) is a shift register whose input bit is a linear function of its previous state. The initial value of the LFSR is called the seed.
Because the operation of the register is deterministic, the stream of values produced by the register is completely determined by its current (or previous) state.
Likewise, because the register has a finite number of possible states, it must eventually enter a repeating cycle.
However, an LFSR with a well-chosen feedback function can produce a sequence of bits which appears random and which has a very long cycle.
Applications of LFSRs include generating pseudo-random numbers, pseudo-noise sequences, fast digital counters, and whitening sequences.

How to use it

  require 'lfsr/fast'

  # The LFSR is 4 bits long, which means can iterate from 0 to 15. (15 == (2**4 - 1))
  # A maximum value of 10 is set though, which means the values returned will be in the range [0, 10]
  # The seed is 1. As long as you use the same seed, the pseudo-random psequence will be the same.
  gen = 10, 1

  10.times do
    print "#{gen.next_i} "

  puts "once the sequence is complete, it starts again"

  10.times do
    print "#{gen.next_i} "




The main reason you would use a LFSR is because you need a long, non-repeating sequence of numbers. A shuffled array of numbers can be used for this, but using a LFSR is nice because you don't need to allocate memory for each of the numbers in the sequence. The disadvantage is that a LFSR doesn't generate numbers that are hard to distinguish from a truly random source. The sequence of numbers a LFSR generates is kind of... well... predictable. Depending on your use case this may or may not be a problem for you.


The seed gets truncated to the number of bits of the LFSR.

The seed must be a non 0 value, in relation to the size of the register you are using.

For instance, if I try to use a seed of 8 for a LFSR::Size3, it will fail, because the seed is truncated to the bits of the register, and 0b1000 truncated to 3 bits is 0.

Fast / Pure-ruby versions

There are two ways to require the library:

require 'lfsr/fast' # C extesion

gen =
gen = # defaults to the last required generators, in this case Fast


require 'lfsr/pure' # C extesion

gen =
gen = # defaults to the last required generators, in this case Pure

On my system, the performance of LFSR C extension is more than 10X that of the pure ruby version and more than 2X faster than calling rand():

Output of scripts/bench:

Bits    | Pure  | C ext | rand  | Vs P. | Vs rand
 2  | 0.22s | 0.05s | 0.12s | 4.9X  | 2.5X
 3  | 0.26s | 0.05s | 0.12s | 5.4X  | 2.5X
 4  | 0.32s | 0.05s | 0.12s | 6.5X  | 2.4X
 5  | 0.50s | 0.05s | 0.12s | 9.8X  | 2.4X
 6  | 0.54s | 0.05s | 0.12s | 10.2X | 2.3X
 7  | 0.55s | 0.05s | 0.12s | 10.4X | 2.3X
 8  | 0.56s | 0.05s | 0.12s | 10.3X | 2.2X
 9  | 0.57s | 0.05s | 0.12s | 10.5X | 2.3X
            ... and so on...


The main shift loop is loosely based on capricious'. The taps table comes from here.