Quickstart Guide

To start using the leaflet-rails gem, follow the steps below (assuming you use the default asset pipeline):

First, add the following code to your Gemfile.

gem 'leaflet-rails'

Then, run bundle install from within your project to download the necessary files. Following that, open your application-wide CSS file (app/assets/stylesheets/application.css) and add the following line as a comment:

= require leaflet

If you require support for Internet Explorer, add the following line as well:

= require leaflet.ie

After that, open your application-wide Javascript file (typically app/assets/javascripts/application.js) and add the following line before requiring files which depend on Leaflet:

= require leaflet

At this point, you may skip the first two steps of the Leaflet Quick Start guide and start at the third step (adding the map div to a view).