
Lax is an insouciant smidgen of a testing framework that tries to be an invisible wrapper around your ideas about how your code should work.

Lax.assert do
  let number: 1,
      string: 'Hi There',
      regexp: defer{ /the/ } # lazy evaluation

  number + 1 == 2
  string.downcase =~ regexp

  assert do
    let number: 2
    number - 1 == 1

Lax::Run[ Lax ] #=> pass, pass, pass

how come lax is neat

  • Minimal bullshit legalese.
  • Easy-to-define custom matchers and hooks.
  • Hackable with a tiny code footprint (< 300 SLOC).
  • Does not pollute your toplevel namespace or infect the entire Ruby object hierarchy with its code.

how to make it do it

  gem install lax
  cd my/project/root
  echo "require 'lax/rake_task';" >> Rakefile
  # write yr tests in the test directory (default test)
  rake lax


MIT/X11. See LICENSE for details.