
Tame your static assets without adding additional processing time on your server. Lash will

  • Bundle multiple JavaScript files into a single minified script.
  • Minify JavaScript files to be included on demand.
  • Build SASS style sheets using "production" settings.
  • Bundle loose PNG, GIF and JPEG files into a single CSS image sprite.
  • Optimize PNG files to reduce size by 5%-35%.
  • Generate static gzipped versions of static assets for use with nginx's gzip_static plugin.

Based on "Optimizing asset bundling and serving with Rails" at github.


# Gemfile
gem 'lash'

or as a plugin

rails plugin install git://

Bundling Assets

Lash includes several rake tasks to bundle loose, development versions of your static assets into minified and compressed versions. To bundle all assets simply run

rake lash:all                   # Runs all lash tasks including javascripts and style sheets
rake lash:deploy                # Called by capistrano to generate static assets on the server

Individual assets can be bundled on demand using their respective lash:asset_type tasks.


Lash expects to find JavaScript assets as subfolders of the public/javascripts folder like so

  • public/javascripts
    • cdn
    • demand
    • application
    • ie

For each folder that lash finds, it will bundle all the .js files found in that folder into a single bundle_#{folder}.js file in the public/javascripts folder. For example, the following structure...

  • public/javascripts/application
    • application.js
    • utility.js
    • rails.js

...will be bundled and minified into public/javascripts/bundle_application.js and a gzipped version bundle_application.js.gz in the same folder.

Special Folders

Lash recognizes two special folders: cdn and demand.

public/javascripts/cdn : Lash expects to find scripts that will normally be referenced via CDN (like the jquery via google's cdn) for local use during development mode and to support outages on the CDN.

public/javascripts/demand : Lash will not bundle scripts in the demand folder. Instead, each script is individually minified and gzipped in place. This is where you would put large scripts that you don't use on every page - like jquery.forms.

CDN JavaScripts and Developer Mode

Referencing JavaScript Bundles in Layouts

To include references to bundled scripts in a view simply call Lash::BundleHelper#javascript_bundle


<%= javascript_bundle 'application', 'ie' %>

When Lash::BundleHelper#bundle_files? is true (on by default in production), lash will include a reference to the single bundled script. When false, it will include each individual javascript that would have been bundled.

See Lash::BundleHelper#javascript_bundle for details.

JavaScript bundling tasks

rake lash:js                    # Bundles and minifies javascripts
rake lash:js_bundle             # Bundles javascripts folders into single minified files
rake lash:js_gzip               # Compresses minified javascripts for nginx gzip_static support
rake lash:js_min                # Minifies all javascripts

CSS Sprites

Integrating With Capistrano