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Simple Ruby Core Module Extensions (for more see lab42_more)

Programming Paradigms


Fn/Fm - Functional Access To Methods

Can be used after require 'lab42/core/fn' only.

Might be moved into gem lab42_more in the future .

API will remain the same, require will change to require 'lab42_more/fn'

fn like function
    Dir.files [APP_ROOT, 'spec', 'support', '**', '*.rb'], Kernel.fn.require

    Dir.files( %w{.. assets ** *.txt} ).sort_by &File.fn.mtime
fm like function/method
    %w{ alpha beta gamma delta }.sort_by &

N.B. This only works because the object behind the scenes of Class#fm knows how to bind upon call, once it has been transformed by #to_proc

For details see the corresponding QED demo.


We exposed methods as functions in the previous chapter. However we are subject to sematic confusion with terms like methods, procedures, lambdas and functions.

Is it not time to abstract a little bit?

Enter Behave, which is everything that behaves, right?

Let us see how that behaves.

For details see the corresponding QED demo.

Memoization and Lazy Attributes


is a, slightly forgotten, programming technique protecting against double calcultions.

This became extremly useful with Dynamic Programming .

A much more simle example is allowing us to express and implement the Fibonacci Sequence in the same, some might say naïve, way.

Compared to the explicit memoization as shown in the Wikipedia article, which would read as follows in Ruby

  def fibo n, cache=[0, 1]
    return cache[n] if cache[n]
    cache[n] = fibo( n.pred, cache ) + fibo( n.pred.pred, cache )

It is still amazing how the specialized cache initialisation allows us to get rid of the original if statement.

However the general case would read like this

    def f n, cache = {}
      args_hash = some_hash_fn n  # n is all args here 
      return cache[args_hash] if cache[args_hash]
      cache[args_hash] = f_implemenetation( some_fn(n), cache )

While a memoization mechanisme built into the language allos to write things like

    def_memoized f *args

    def f *args
    memoize :f

    # Which can be written as
    memoize \
      def f *args

   memoized do
     def f *args

This gem opts for the memoize method in the Module class as this allows for two different syntaxes

    memoize def f ...

    def f ...
    memoize :f

Lazy Attributes

Are just parameterless memoized methods, excatly the same as let bindings in RSpec.

    lazy_attr( :config ){ config_file }

One could say they are just syntactic sugar for

    memoize def config config_file

One would be correct, but lazy attributes are many (in some of my modules and classes) and have a semantic role often very similar to the example above. They are by nature static while methods like the shortest path or fibonacci are highly dynamic.

For details see the corresponding QED demo.


Do not, I repeat, Do not memoize methods with side effects!

The exception is cached reading as in the example above.

Do not call memoized methods with arguments that cannot be used as Hash keys like e.g. BasicObject instances or other objects not responding to the original hash method.

Core Extensions


Can be used after require 'lab42/core' or require 'lab42/core/array'



    [[2, {a: 3}, [4]], {a: 5}].flatten_once.assert ==
      [2, {a: 3}, [4], {a: 5}]

For details see the corresponding QED demo.


Can be used after require 'lab42/core' or require 'lab42/core/dir'

  Dir.files "**/*" do | partial_path, full_path |

If only the relative or absolute pathes are needed there are the two variations avaiable:

    Dir.abs_files ...
    Dir.rel_files ...

For details see the corresponding QED demo.



  enum.grep2 expr # ===>
  enum.partition{ |ele| expr === ele }


And also Enumerable#to\_proc as e.g.

    counter = (1..3).to_proc
    counter.().assert == 1
    counter.().assert == 2
    counter.().assert == 3
    StopIteration.assert.raised? do

For details see the corresponding QED demo.



expand_local_path to get rid of the __FILE__ inside expand_path.

For details see the corresponding QED demo.


    File.if_readable 'some_file' do | file |  # openes file as readable





  {a: 42, b: 43}.only :a, :c # ===> {a: 42}

#fetch! (read fetch and set)

    a = {a: 42}
    a.fetch!(b, 43) # or a.fetch!(b){43}
    a == {a: 42, b: 43 } # true

N.B. Unlike Hash#fetch Hash#fetch! will not warn you that the block superseeds the default arg if both are provided (after all there is a !).

For details see the corresponding QED demo.


Backport of #itself for versions < 2.2


Immutable Open Objects

  x = a: 42
  x.a.assert   == 42
  x[:a].assert == 42


All modifications just return a new instance.

  x = a: 42, b: 43

  y = x.update a: 44
  y.to_hash.assert == {a: 44, b: 43}
  x.a.assert       ==  42

For details see the corresponding QED demo.


Console Tools

Can be used only after 'lab42/core/console_tools'.`

N.B. Never use in production code or applications. This code is extremly oriented console monkeypatching core classes massively.

This part is documented in QED Console Tools.