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Kuromi is a command runner and a pretty DSL around your command line. It's basically a nice friendly way to interact with Open3#popen3 from the standard library


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'kuromi', github: 'onthebeach/kuromi'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kuromi


Commands are built using Runners. and can be built up in chains until they are finally executed with #run.

output = Kuromi::Runner.for('hostname').run

You will end up with a Kuromi::Output object that you can use.

output.code # => 0, the exit code of the process
output.stdout # => Optional information from STDOUT
output.stderr # => Optional information from STDERR

like most OnTheBeach projects, Kuromi is allergic to nil so where applicable (currently stdout and stderr do this) you will either get Some[value] or None. For the implementation of Optional Values see the Optional gem here

You can pass extra arguments and build up command line chains with Kuromi using #command, #with and #and. For example



  • Kuromi is synchronous - it will block while your command is being executed.


Pull requests are welcome. Please ensure they're tested or we may reject them.

Run the tests as follows

bundle exec rake

or with coverage

COVERAGE=true bundle exec rake