Kuhsaft. A CMS as simple as it could be

Yiiihaaaaaa! Howdy, Let’s milk the cow!

The Who, What and Why?

Kuhsaft is made by some Rails developers at Screen Concept that got tired of fiddling with unusable content management sytems. We are trying hard to make a minimalistic and developer friendly CMS. Our goal is to provide a system for ourselves and our customers that makes the of-the-shelf website project a hasselfree thing. On one side easy to set up, integrate and customize (good for devs) on the other hand it should be easily usable by anyone.


Kuhsaft requires

  • A Rails 3 app to be integrated into

  • ImageMagick

  • An ActiveRecord compatible DB


Add Kuhsaft to your Gemfile:

gem 'kuhsaft'

And run

bundle install

to get the gem

Then install the migrations and run them:

rails generate kuhsaft:install && rake db:migrate

(NOTE: Steps below should hopefully not be necessary in future versions:)

Finally, you need to add a before filter to the application controller (for now…)

ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  before_filter :available_locales

  def available_locales
    Kuhsaft::Page.translation_locales = ['de', 'en', 'fr']

If you want to use devise for protecting the admin parts, do this in an initializer:

Kuhsaft::Admin::PagesController.class_eval do

before_filter :authenticate_user!



… to be continued