KOBRA Ruby Client Tested with Travis-CI

Simple client for KOBRA.


  • Ruby 1.9.2: kobra_client is only tested with Ruby 1.9.2, no garantees for other versions of Ruby.


Install via RubyGems

gem install kobra_client


The source for kobra_client is available on Github:



kobra_client uses rspec and webmock for testing, do a bundle install for all the development requirements.


kobra_client is a client to the KOBRA service at LiU (Linköpings Universitet). A KOBRA account is needed to use this client.

Initiate and authenticate

Get the username and API-key from your KOBRA account and use to authenticate the client.

require 'kobra/client'
kobra = Kobra::Client.new(:username => 'jage', :api_key => 'a9b8c7')
# => #<Kobra::Client:0x00000101175898 @base_url="https://jage:[email protected]/">

When we have the kobra instance, we can use the API.

Lookup a LiU student

kobra.get_student(:liu_id => 'johdoXXX')
=> {:blocked=>nil, :last_name=>"DOE", :email=>"[email protected]", :first_name=>"JOHN", :personal_number=>"887711-0011", :rfid_number=>"9999999999", :barcode_number=>"888888888888888", :union=>"LinTek", :liu_id=>"johdoXXX"}

Copyright (c) 2011 Johan Eckerström. See LICENSE for details.