
ssh and ssh_gzip driver for test-kitchen for any running server with an ip address.

As well as ssh it supports a second driver called ssh_gzip that will also gzip file before transfer which can provide a big performance improvement when alot of files are transfered.

server must be created and destroyed natively (e.g. via cloudformation, heat, or cloud or virtualization console). specify driver parameters

  • hostname
  • port
  • username
  • password
  • sudo
  • ssh_key
  • forward_agent

NOTE: ssh driver is compatibile with test-kitchen 1.4 while ssh_gzip has legacy driver compatiability with test-kitchen 1.4


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'kitchen-ssh', group: :integration

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kitchen-ssh


In your .kitchen.yml file set driver to be 'ssh' or 'ssh_gzip'.


  name: ssh
  hostname: your-ip
  port: 22
  username: username 
  ssh_key: /path/to/id_rsa


  name: ssh_gzip
  hostname: your-ip
  port: 22
  username: username 
  ssh_key: /path/to/id_rsa

Bastion Host

If you use a bastion host, add the following lines:

  name: ssh
  ssh_gateway: bastion-ip
  ssh_gateway_username: bastion-user

Alternatively add ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p bastion-user@bastion-ip to your ssh_config(5)