
Kindleclippings is a ruby library for parsing annotations created on your kindle.

When you make annotations on a kindle, they are saved as a file called "My Clippings.txt" under the documents folder.
This library will parse these annotations/clippings and give you an array of ruby objects.


To install kindleclippings just run

% sudo gem install kindleclippings



Parsing the My Clippings.txt file.

require 'kindleclippings'

parser =

clippings = parser.parse_file('My Clippings.txt')
clipping = clippings.last

clipping.book_title # => "Confessions of a Public Speaker" # => "Berkun  Scott"
clipping.type # => :Highlight
clipping.added_on # => #<DateTime: 2009-12-14T19:10:00+00:00 (353545963/144,0/1,2299161)>
clipping.content # => "Most people say \"umm\" and \"uhh\" when they speak. These are called filler sounds ..."

The annotations can also be parsed directly.

require 'kindleclippings'

parser =
clippings = parser.parse("the content you want to parse.")

Retrieve only the information you care about

You can retrieve only the annotationstypes you care about. After parsing, you can call highlights, notes or bookmarks on the collection to get only annotations of that type.

require 'kindleclippings'

parser =
clippings = parser.parse_file('My Clippings.txt')

clippings.notes      # All the notes
clippings.highlights # All the highlights
clippings.bookmarks  # All the bookmarks