Kauperts::LinkChecker is a simple library to check for the well-being of URLs. It supports HTTPS and IDN URIs.


Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:

gem 'kauperts_link_checker'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kauperts_link_checker


It will check any object that responds to url:

status = Kauperts::LinkChecker.check!(object_responding_to_url)
unless status.ok?
  puts status 

You can ignore 301 permanent redirect that only add a trailing slash like this:

status = Kauperts::LinkChecker.check!(object_responding_to_url, :ignore_trailing_slash_redirects => true)
unless status.ok?
  # A redirect from http://example.com/foo to http://example.com/foo/ will be considered ok


The following keys are used to translate error messages using the I18n gem:

  • kauperts.link_checker.errors.timeout: message when rescueing from Timeout::Error

  • kauperts.link_checker.errors.generic_network: message when (currently) rescueing from all other exceptions


Kauperts::LinkChecker is extracted from a maintenance task made for berlin.kauperts.de by kaupert media gmbh.


Kauperts::LinkChecker is released under a 3-clause BSD-licence. See the LICENSE file for details.