

OpenHash (short: ohash) is a simple, enhanced hash structure with the direct member access of OpenStruct, but without all the restrictions. It also features some niceties as found in Mash.


require 'rubygems'
require 'ohash'

o = OpenHash.new({:foo => 12})
o = OpenHash.new

# Access to hash methods

o._merge!({:foo => 12, :bar => 22})
o._keys         #=> [:foo, :bar]

# Member access

o.foo == 12     #=> true
o.foo = 33
o[:foo] == 12   #=> false

# Membership test

o.foo?          #=> true
o.bar?          #=> true
o.bla?          #=> false

# Quick population with sub hashes

o.bla!.goo = 23
o.bla!.yadda!.rofl = 42
o.bla?          #=> true
o.bla?.goo?     #=> true



/*---- DON'T PANIC License 1.1 -----------

Don't panic, this piece of software is free, i.e. you can do with it whatever you like, including, but not limited to:

* using it
* copying it
* (re)distributing it
* burning/burying/shredding it
* eating it
* using it to obtain world domination
* and ignoring it

Under the sole condition that you

* CONSIDER buying the author a strong
  brownian motion producer, say a nice
  hot cup of tea, should you ever meet
  him in person.
