Kali: iCalendar for the rest of us

Kali attempts to provide a simple and extensible implementation of RFC 5545 and friends, which describe the iCalendar format, used for representing and exchanging calendaring and scheduling information.

Kālī is also the Hindu Goddess of Time.

Kali: Goddess of Time and Change, by Raja Ravi Varma

Generating Calendars

The simplest example possible:

require "uri"
require "kali"

calendar = Kali::Calendar.new do |cal|
  cal.event do |event|
    event.summary = "Lunch" # Or: event.summary = Kali::Property::Summary.new("Lunch")
    event.description = "Let's get some food"
    event.dtstart = DateTime.civil(2013, 7, 31, 12, 30)
    event.dtend = DateTime.civil(2013, 7, 31, 14, 30)

    event.attendees.add URI("mailto:[email protected]") do |attendee|
      attendee.partstat = "ACCEPTED"
      attendee.cn = "Nicolás Sanguinetti"
      attendee["X-GUEST-COUNT"] = 2

    event.attendees.add URI("mailto:[email protected]") # Simplified attendee

File.open("cal.ics", "w") { |f| f.puts(calendar.to_ics) }