
This gem can parse values, validations, documentation, types, groups and conditions of parameters from your puppet modules. Only thing you have to do is provide a path to manifest file you want to be parsed.

The library is used in Kafo, which can be used to get an idea of what's possible to build on top of this library.

Currently puppet classes and types (definitions) are supported.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'kafo_parsers'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kafo_parsers


To parse file using the best available parser, and see parsed information:

require 'kafo_parsers/parsers'
parser = KafoParsers::Parsers.find_available or fail('No parser available')
hash = parser.parse('/puppet/module/manifests/init.pp')
p hash

find_available can take a logger object that responds to #debug to log detailed reasons why each parser isn't available.

logger = Logging.logger(STDOUT)
logger.level = :debug
KafoParsers::Parsers.find_available(:logger => logger)

To load a specific parser:

require 'kafo_parsers/puppet_module_parser'
hash = KafoParsers::PuppetModuleParser.parse('/puppet/module/manifests/init.pp')


The standard PuppetModuleParser loads Puppet as a regular library or gem, so it must be installed in the same Ruby that's running kafo_parsers.

Only Puppet versions 2.6.x, 2.7.x and 3.x are supported.

Add gem 'puppet', '< 4' to your application's Gemfile to use this.


If you use Puppet 4 you prefer PuppetStringsModuleParser which leverages puppet-strings to parse puppet manifests.

require 'kafo_parsers/puppet_strings_module_parser'
hash = KafoParsers::PuppetStringsModuleParser.parse('/puppet/module/manifests/init.pp')

Output will be similar to PuppetModuleParser, only validations are not supported, since they are not parsed by puppet-strings.


This project is licensed under the GPLv3+.