
Admin is all about CRUD, right?

My biggest experience with admins is with RailsAdmin. I currently work with an application that makes extensive use of it and all my peers hate having to customize anything on it, me too!

I also tried administrate and trestle, I think they are a move forward, but reinventing the wheel is super cool, right? The true is that I want more Rails and less DSL.

*kadim: derived from "cadim", an expression from the brazillian mineiro dialect that means "a little bit".


In the current incarnation, it's very crud (no pun intended). We just dynamically scaffold_controller your models using all it's attributes and ActiveStorage relations inside tmp/kadim and load everything in memory, including views. This allows you to run kadim in environments with ephemeral file systems, like heroku.

Just follow the Installation section and access http://localhost:3000/kadim

bulma.io layout

If you want a more beautiful view, add the following to your configuration file:

# config/initializers/kadim.rb
Kadim.configure do |config|
  config.layout = :bulma

kadim with bulma

ActiveStorage support

If we detect that you have S3, GCS or Azure Storage configured we will use Direct Uploads by default. If you are using GCS and uploading biiiig files, the resumable option is perfect:

# config/initializers/kadim.rb
Kadim.configure do |config|
  config.upload_type = :resumable

upload_type accepts the following options:

Customization / generators


Usage: rails g kadim:host

Hosts the base files of kadim inside your application, allowing you to customize from the base controller to the layouts with the Ruby on Rails you know and love.

The following folders will be copied recursively to your application:

  • app/assets/javascripts/kadim
  • app/assets/stylesheets/kadim
  • app/controllers/kadim
  • app/helpers/kadim
  • app/views/kadim
  • app/views/layouts/kadim

It's pretty simple stuff, just take a look: https://github.com/fnix/kadim/tree/master/app


Usage: rails g kadim:scaffold_controller NAME [field:type field:type] [options]

Hosts on your application the files generated in runtime by kadim for the giving resource. This generator is a thin layer over the Rails scaffold_controller and accepts the same arguments.

For example, using credit_card for NAME, the following files wil be generated on your application:

  • Controller: app/controllers/kadim/credit_cards_controller.rb
  • Test: test/controllers/kadim/credit_cards_controller_test.rb
  • Views: app/views/kadim/credit_cards/index.html.erb [...]
  • Helper: app/helpers/kadim/credit_cards_helper.rb


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'kadim'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kadim

Mount the engine (add to routes.rb):

mount Kadim::Engine, at: '/kadim'

And access http://localhost:3000/kadim


  • [x] Dynamic CRUD generation from application models
  • [x] Tasks to copy files form kadim to the hosted application
  • [x] Add support to ActiveStorage attachments
  • [ ] Add support to belongs_to relationships
  • [x] Add a beautiful look and feel


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.