jsshuffle Gem Version

A library to just-in-time randomly obfuscate JS.


$ gem install jsshuffle


require 'jsshuffle'

should be enough to get you up and running.

For rails, just add jsshuffle to your Gemfile:

gem 'jsshuffle', group: :production


jsshuffle can be used standalone and as a Ruby library.

The standalone executable takes a filename as a parameter or reads the input from STDIN and outputs on STDOUT:

$ jsshuffle <<EOF
> var test = 13;
> test = (test + 13) * 7;
> alert( test );
var dqkwxnvj = 13;
dqkwxnvj = (dqkwxnvj + 13) * 7;

To use jsshuffle in your own Ruby project, instantiate JsShuffle::Shuffler:

require 'jsshuffle'

shuffler = JsShuffle::Shuffler.new use: :variable_renaming

puts shuffler.shuffle js: %Q(
    var variable = "variable";
    function newFunc( parameter ) {
        return parameter + " is a cool parameter.";

    console.log( newFunc( variable ) );

Extending JsShuffle

You can sublcass JsShuffle::Methods::Method and pass the new class as a use: argument to Shuffler#new or alternatively pass a Block or Proc.
For more information view the RDoc.