
rspec matchers for testing json responses in a rails application.



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

group :test do
  gem 'json_response_matchers'

And then execute:

$ bundle


  1. include the matchers in your rspec config
  # spec/rails_helper.rb
  RSpec.configure do |config|
    # you can include it in a general way
    config.include JsonResponseMatchers
    # but it is recommended to include it only for the request
    config.include JsonResponseMatchers, type: :request
    # or the request and controller specs
    config.include JsonResponseMatchers, type: /request|controller/
  1. write more concise request specs
  # in your request spec examples
  # instead of
  item = JSON.parse(response.body)['item']
  expect(item['name']).to eq 'item-name'
  # use the #have_json_content matcher
  expect(response).to have_json_content('item-name').at_key :item, :name

  # instead of
  items = JSON.parse(repsonse.body)['items']
  expect(items.map { |item| item['id'] }).to match_array [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
  # use the #have_json_values matcher
  expect(response).to have_json_values(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).for(:id).at_key :items

general rules

The target of the matchers can be a json parsable string or an object with such a string at the method #body (like the test response in rails request tests).

expect('{"item":{"id":1,"name":"item-name"}}').to have_json_content('item-name').at_key :item, :name
# or if `response.body` contains the above json
expect(response).to have_json_content('item-name').at_key :item, :name

The #at_key method is optional and can receive one or more string, symbol or integer keys.

expect('false').to have_json_content(false)

json = '{"items":[{"id":1,"name":"item-1"},{"id":2,"name":"item-2"}]}'
expect(json).to have_json_values(1, 2).for(:id).at_key 'items'
expect(json).to have_json_values(1, 2).for(:id).at_key :items
expect(json).to have_json_content('item-2').at_key :items, 1, 'name'

Both matchers are composable.

  .to have_json_content(1).at_key(:item, :id)
  .and have_json_values('user').at_key(:user, :name)

  .to have_json_values(1, 2).for(:id).at_key(:item)
  .and have_json_content(1).at_key(:page)


Checks single values.

  • If expected value is not a hash, it checks equality
  # all pass
  expect('{"string":"string"}').to have_json_content('string').at_key :string
  expect('{"number":123}').to have_json_content(123).at_key :number
  expect('{"boolean":false}').to have_json_content(false).at_key :boolean
  expect('{"array":["a",2]}').to have_json_content([ 'a', 2 ]).at_key :array
  expect('{"null":null}').to have_json_content(nil).at_key :null
  • If expected value is a hash

    • and #with_full_match is specified, it checks equality
    • otherwise it checks inclusion
    • accepts symbol keys
    expect('{"id":1,"name":"i1"}').to have_json_content('id'=>1).with_full_match # fails
    expect('{"id":1,"name":"i1"}').to have_json_content('id'=>1) # passes
    expect('{"id":1,"name":"i1"}').to have_json_content(name: 'i1', id: 1).with_full_match # passes


Checks arrays. The expected values are passed as a parameter list (*args) to the matcher.

  • the metod #for is required and can take a string or symbol value
  items = [
    { id: 1, name: 'item-1' },
    { id: 2, name: 'item-2' },
    { id: 3, name: 'item-3' }
  expect(items.to_json).to have_json_values(1, 2, 3).for('id') # passes
  expect(items.to_json).to have_json_values(1, 2, 3).for(:id) # passes
  expect(items.to_json).to have_json_values(*items) # fails with ArgumentError
  • checks order only if #in_strict_order is specified
  expect(items.to_json).to have_json_values(1, 3, 2).for(:id) # passes
  expect(items.to_json).to have_json_values(1, 3, 2).for(:id).in_strict_order # fails


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/SzNagyMisu/json_response_matchers.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.