
Jschematic is a JSON Schema v3 Validator for Ruby.

It is currently incomplete, alpha quality software.

Having said that, most of the core schema definition is supported with these exceptions:

  • $ref
  • $schema
  • extends
  • divisibleBy
  • disallow

In addition to this, only IPv4, IPv6 and URI formats are currently implemented.

Please report any bugs you find (and you will find bugs) at the issue tracker here: https://github.com/msassak/jschematic/issues.


require 'jschematic'
Jschematic.validate(json, schema)  # => true or false
Jschematic.validate!(json, schema) # => true or raise Jschematic::ValidationError

json and schema above must be Ruby data structures, not real JSON.

Jschematic doesn't care how you turn JSON into Ruby (though we use the fine yajl-ruby gem for testing).


$ cucumber
$ rspec spec

Or rake if you want to run both.

Copyright (c) 2011 Mike Sassak. See LICENSE for details.