
Grabs all the javascript files in a directory and smooshes them into a single file for caching & transfer. Optional YUI compression, file order prioritisation and ignore list (so you don’t recursively add the output to itself)

Do this:

javascript = JsCat.new({
  :js_dir => 'scripts',             # read javascript files from this directory
  :compress => 'true',              # uses/requires yui/compressor
  :prioritize => ['framework.js'],  # puts framework.js at the top of the file
  :ignore => ["script_c.js"],       # files to ignore 
  :output => "output/javascript.js" # write the compressed javsascript here

Get this:

var Framework={};function script_a(){alert("I am script a")}function script_b(){alert("I am script b")};

Copyright © 2011 Daniel Sim