
It is view helper to render javascript variables in one place with namespaces.

How to add js variables. @user.to_jsvar(:user) this will add @user json value to variable map and it is render by js_vars_tag in view

i.e APP = { user: 'jiren', id: 1, address: 'pune' }


Many times we are using javascript_tag or :javascript to render javascript variables or json data in view.


  var users = #{@users.to_json}  


javascript_tag do
    var users = #{@users.to_json} 

So here there are no namespace for javascript variables i.e var APP = {users: [....]} and they are global. May be there are chances to conflict with other variables with same name. Also in debugging we find difficulties to find variable because variables are not define in namespace. If there are namespace so we can view all variables in namespace from debugging console.

To solve this problems I have written gem jsvars.


  • Add any object to js var map

  • For rendering all added variables in html. Add following tag to end of the layout.

    = js_vars_tag 


    <%= js_vars_tag %>

    Output in html

        <script jsvars="jsvars">//<![CDATA[ if(!window.APP){ window.APP = {}};APP.users = [1,2,3]; window.address = 'pune'//]]></script>

Here APP is a namespace which hold users and address variables.

  • to_jsvars options

    @users.to_jsvars(:users, namespace: 'User', json: { only: [:id]})

namespace: To change particular variable namespace json: To change rendering object fields.

Configuration - It is optional

To change default namespace add following code to your config initializers

i.e in config/initializers/js_vars.rb

JsVars.configure do |c|
  c.namespace = 'MyNamespace'

So now by default all variables renders in MyNamespace namespace


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'jsvars'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install jsvars


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request