

Requires the following jars in your application container and if running with just jruby place these in your $JRUBY_HOME/lib

commons-collections-3.2.x.jar commons-logging.jar log4j.jar quartz-1.6.x.jar

If you are running a current version of JBoss you already have these! If you are running an alternative container you will need to check it’s lib directory for the presence of these jars.

If you need these jars you can find them within the apache commons project and the quartz jar on opensymphony


gem install git://github.com/techwhizbang/jruby-quartz.git


The best way to leverage jruby-quartz is to simply extend the BaseScheduler and implement any number of jobs you need to run.

For example all you need to do is specify some basic attributes including the cron expression representing the frequency of the job(s) you want to with it:

class IntegrationScheduler < BaseScheduler

def initialize(cron_expression)
  @cron_expression = cron_expression
  @base_jobs_group = "IntegrationJobs"
  @base_triggers_group = "IntegrationTriggers"


Then just extend the base job by putting all of the work you want to perform inside the perform_job method.

class IntegrationJob < Jobs::BaseJob

def perform_job
  worker_one = mock('worker class one', :whatever => "123")
  worker_two = mock('worker class two', :whatever => '123')


If you are running Rails you can throw the schedule! method into a custom initializer. An example of this would be like so: Notice the Rails.env /container/, I defined custom environments that only run when inside a Java container so that the schedule! method doesn’t get fired off during testing.

if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /java/

LoggerOneScheduler.new("0 0/1 * * * ?").schedule!(Jobs::LoggerOneJob)
LoggerTwoScheduler.new("0 0/2 * * * ?").schedule!(Jobs::LoggerTwoJob)


If you are planning on using this with a Rails stack, I would recommend using this only with Rails 2.2 or higher because thread safety == 1 runtime

1 runtime means your schedule initializer is only called once.


Problems, comments, and suggestions all welcome. [email protected] or visit my blog techwhizbang.com