JQuery Cheats

JQuery Cheats is Gem that makes it easy to do simple little JavaScript tricks via the JQuery library.


It is as easy as adding this to your Gemfile

gem 'jquery_cheats','~>5.0.0'

Then add the following to app/assets/application.js

//= require jqueryCheats

If you would like charting functionality make sure the following code is in app/assets/application.js

//= require jqplot/jquery.jqplot.js

Depending on the chart, you will have to include the plugin too, which are loaded in the jqplot/plugins directory


Mouse over image, Image1 changes to Image2 when moused over:

<%= mouseoverimage("/path/to/image1.jpg","/path/to/image2.jpg") %>

Submit Image, allows you to use an image instead of a button for a form:

<%= submitimage("/path/to/image.png") %>

This can also be used with an alternate text parameter

<%= submitimage("/path/to/image.png","Image Alt Text") %>

Simple Mouse Over Link, Provide one image and a link and it will provide a mouse over image to that link. The function will look for imagename-hover so make sure your image file is named right

<%= simplemolink("/path/to/imgage.png",link_path) %>

This will try to find /path/to/image-hover.png as the image to use when moused over.

Ajax Requests for Field Items

The new assetpipline JavaScript makes it possible to submit form elements via data-remote calls when changed. Only the following are supported.

Select Box

To use ajax with jquery_cheats add data-onchange="true" and data-url="/path/to"

Radio Button

To use with jquery_cheats simply pass a URL into the data-onchange parameter, if you need to send extra parameters use data-params using a serialized string such as(item=4&item2=3)

<%= f.radio_button "foo", foo_path, "data-onchange"=>"/path" %>


JQuery Cheats works in conjunction with plotSimple to provide you with a graphing interface.

Change Log

  • Version 5.0 removes DOMSubtreeModified due to browser issues. Work around call barChart(id,xmlurl) in your JavaScript
  • Version 5.1 adds the ability to save charts as images (buggy)