JobServer README

The class JobServer supplies capabilities to execute jobs on the
local- or on remote hosts.
* Jobs encapsulate the call of a command in a shell on a (remote) host.
* Each client is controlled by a worker-thread on the server.
  When a client is idle it receives the next job from the queue.
* Remote jobs will be launched using ssh. Therefore you must
  configure your ssh keys without authentification password.
* A common home directory is not needed for the clients.
  Different machine architectures as well as binaries are possible.
* Data for the clients can be saved to files on the client machines.


* Ruby 1.8
* ssh


De-compress archive and enter its top directory.
Then type:

 ($ su)
  # ruby setup.rb

This simple step installs this program under the default
location of Ruby libraries.  You can also install files into
your favorite directory by supplying setup.rb some options.
Try "ruby setup.rb --help".

Alternatively you can use the remote installer RubyGems
[] for installation.  Having RubyGems installed
on your system, just type:

 ($ su)
 # gem install jobserver --remote


In order to get an overview of the features you can generate
the RDoc documentation and have a look at the examples/ directory.


Ruby License

Christian Bang, cbang AT