Jnlp Ruby Gem version 0.7.2

A Ruby gem for encapsulating the content and resources referenced by Java Web Start jnlps and interacting with jnlp repositories managed by the maven-jnlp Eclipse plugin.

Complete rdoc available here: rdoc.info/projects/stepheneb/jnlp

Release History

For more information about the structure of Java Web Start see Sun’s documentation


Creating a new Jnlp::Jnlp object from a local Java Web Start jnlp file.

j = Jnlp::Jnlp.new("authoring.jnlp")

Creating a new Jnlp::Jnlp object from a Java Web Start jnlp referenced with a url.

j = Jnlp::Jnlp.new("http://jnlp.concord.org/dev/org/concord/maven-jnlp/otrunk-sensor/otrunk-sensor.jnlp")

Once the Jnlp::Jnlp object is created you can call Jnlp::Jnlp#cache_resources to create a local cache of all the jar and nativelib resources.

The structure of the cache directory and the naming using for the jar and nativelib files is the same as that used by the Java Web Start Download Servlet, see Sun’s servlet guide.

Creating Jnlp::MavenJnlp objects that represent the resources deployed by a maven jnlp servlet.

Creating a Jnlp::MavenJnlp object that represents the all the resources deployed by a maven jnlp servlet.

require 'jnlp'
mj = Jnlp::MavenJnlp.new('http://jnlp.concord.org', '/dev/org/concord/maven-jnlp/')

This takes about 90s on a 3Mbps connection processing Concord’s Maven Jnlp Web Start server.

You can now do this:

mj.maven_jnlp_families.length                        # => 26
mj.maven_jnlp_families[0].name                       # => "all-otrunk-snapshot"
mj.maven_jnlp_families[0].versions.length            # => 1568
mj.maven_jnlp_families[0].versions.first.version     # => "0.1.0-20070420.131610"
mj.maven_jnlp_families[0].snapshot_version           # => "0.1.0-20090327.222627"


# => "/dev/org/concord/maven-jnlp/all-otrunk-snapshot/all-otrunk-snapshot-0.1.0-20090327.222627.jnlp"


# => "/dev/org/concord/maven-jnlp/all-otrunk-snapshot/all-otrunk-snapshot-0.1.0-20090327.222627.jnlp"


# => "/dev/org/concord/maven-jnlp/all-otrunk-snapshot/all-otrunk-snapshot-0.1.0-20070420.131610.jnlp"

Creating Jnlp::MavenJnlp objects that represent some all the resources deployed by a maven jnlp servlet.

You can pass in an options hash to limit the number of maven jnlp families parsed:

Example: passing in an optional array of maven jnlp families This will get all versions of each family.

mj = Jnlp::MavenJnlp.new('http://jnlp.concord.org', '/dev/org/concord/maven-jnlp/', 
     { :families => ['all-otrunk-snapshot', 'gui-testing'] })


# => 2

Example: passing in an optional hash of maven jnlp families This will get all versions of each family.

mj = Jnlp::MavenJnlp.new('http://jnlp.concord.org', '/dev/org/concord/maven-jnlp/', 
     { :families => { 'all-otrunk-snapshot' => nil, 'gui-testing' => nil } })


# => 2

Example: passing in an optional hash of maven jnlp families and specifying the versions of the jnlp urls to get for one family.

mj = Jnlp::MavenJnlp.new('http://jnlp.concord.org', '/dev/org/concord/maven-jnlp/',
     { :families => { 
       'all-otrunk-snapshot' => { :versions => ['0.1.0-20100513.161426', '0.1.0-20100513.154925'] },
       'gui-testing' => nil }
mjfs = mj.maven_jnlp_families
[mjfs.length, mjfs[0].versions.length, mjfs[1].versions.length]

# => [2, 2, 50]

Building the gem

The source code

The source code for the jnlp gem is on github and the gem dependencies are managed with [bundler](gembundler.com/)

git clone git://github.com/stepheneb/jnlp.git
cd jnlp
gem install nokogiri
bundle install

Bundler should install nokogiri but can’t because of this bug: can’t find gem specified in gemspec with a range

Runtime dependencies

nokogiri    ">= 1.4.4", "<= 1.5"

Development dependencies

rspec        '~> 2.5.0'
ci_reporter  '~> 1.6.4'
rdoc         '~> 3.9.4'
yard         '~> 0.7.2'

rake tasks

$ bundle exec rake -T
rake build         # Build jnlp-0.7.3.gem into the pkg directory
rake clobber_rdoc  # Remove RDoc HTML files
rake hudson:spec   # run the spec tests and generate JUnit XML reports (for integrating with a Hudson CIS server)
rake install       # Build and install jnlp-0.7.3.gem into system gems
rake rdoc          # Build RDoc HTML files
rake release       # Create tag v0.7.3 and build and push jnlp-0.7.3.gem to Rubygems
rake rerdoc        # Rebuild RDoc HTML files
rake spec          # Run RSpec
rake yard          # Generate YARD Documentation

Running the tests


jruby -S rake spec


bundle exec rake spec

Generating JUnit XML output for integrating with the Hudson CIS server:

bundle exec rake hudson:spec

Running adhoc tests using the source code directly

Run an adhoc test in the file sample.rb in the same top-level directory as this source code by telling ruby to first add ‘lib/’ to the load path.

ruby -Ilib sample.rb

Building and installing the gem locally

bundle exec rake build
gem install pkg/jnlp-<version>.gem

Releasing a new version to rubygems.org/

bundle exec rake release


Add tests for:

  • MavenJnlp features.

  • downloading and caching jars

  • re-generating original and local jnlps


  • June 22, 2015 (NP) – Version 0.8.0 Nokogiri dependency has been updated to ~> 1.6.4. As of Nokogiri 1.6.4 libxml2 and libxslt are bundled with nokogiri, for simpler installs.