JMeter Reports Build Status

Command-line tools for JMeter report processing. Right now it supports only CSV summary reports processing to show:

  • Test execution time
  • Total and transaction throughputs
  • Transaction samples/errors
  • Min / Avg / Max / Standard Deviation
  • 90 and 95 response time percentiles


Requires Ruby >= 1.9

gem install jmeter-reports


jmeter-reports <path_to_summary_report_file.csv>

will show you something like this:

             Start: 2012-12-14 16:22:53 -0200
               End: 2012-12-14 16:28:33 -0200
          Duration: 340 secs
    Total requests: 10520
Average throughput: 30 RPS

| label                    | reqs | errors | err_pct | min | avg  | max   | sd     | avg_thrput |
| GET session/new          | 2651 | 18     | 0.6     | 49  | 742  | 10062 | 1576ms | 7.797 RPS  |
| POST session             | 2629 | 562    | 21.3    | 272 | 3104 | 10093 | 3882ms | 7.732 RPS  |
| GET session/:id          | 2620 | 0      | 0.0     | 21  | 227  | 8099  | 682ms  | 7.705 RPS  |
| Login                    | 2620 | 570    | 21.7    | 377 | 4185 | 25724 | 4401ms | 7.705 RPS  |

you can also pass a list of summary report files to get an overview of each one. Let say you've a bunch of summary files named summary_report_N.csv:

jmeter-reports summary_report_*

| filename             | start                     | end                       | samples | avg_thrput |
| summary_report_1.csv | 2012-12-11 10:47:32 -0200 | 2012-12-11 10:47:34 -0200 | 9       | 3 RPS      |
| summary_report_2.csv | 2012-12-11 10:47:32 -0200 | 2012-12-11 10:47:35 -0200 | 16      | 4 RPS      |