Feature: version rake task

#Scenario: a newly created project without a version
#  Given a working directory
#  And I use the jeweler command to generate the "the-perfect-gem" project in the working directory
#  And "the-perfect-gem/VERSION" does not exist
#  When I run "rake version" in "the-perfect-gem"
#  Then the process should not exit cleanly

Scenario: an existing project with version yaml
  Given a working directory
  And I use the existing project "existing-project-with-version-yaml" as a template
  And "VERSION.yml" contains hash "{ :major => 1, :minor => 5, :patch => 3}"
  When I run "rake version" in "existing-project-with-version-yaml"
  Then the process should exit cleanly
  And the current version, 1.5.3, is displayed

Scenario: an existing project with version plaintext
  Given a working directory
  And I use the existing project "existing-project-with-version-plaintext" as a template
  And "VERSION" contains "1.5.3"
  When I run "rake version" in "existing-project-with-version-plaintext"
  Then the process should exit cleanly
  And the current version, 1.5.3, is displayed

Scenario: an existing project with version constant
  Given a working directory
  And I use the existing project "existing-project-with-version-constant" as a template
  When I run "rake version" in "existing-project-with-version-constant"
  Then the process should exit cleanly
  And the current version, 1.0.0, is displayed