![Jera Logo]()

JeraPush is a easy tool to work with push messages and firebase API.

It’s composed for:

* [Device](#devices): model responsible for register and interact with device tokens to send push messages.
* [Message](#messages): model responsible for register the message content and status after sending.
* [MessageDevice](#message-devise): model responsible for connect the message sent and the target devices.
* [Firebase::Client](#firebase-client): class responsible to interact with Firebase.

# Device

> Model responsible for register and interact with device tokens to send push messages.

## Attributes

| Attribute| Type | Description | |———-|————|————-| | Token | String | Token for target device | | Platform | Enumerize | Type of device platform. Can be ‘:ios`, `:android` or `:chrome` |

# Message

> Model responsible for register the message content and status after sending.

## Attributes

| Attribute| Type | Description | |———-|————|————-| | Token | String | Token for target device | | Platform | Enumerize | Type of device platform. Can be ‘:ios`, `:android` or `:chrome` |

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