Jekyll - Octopod

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A Podcasting publishing extension for the static site generator Jekyll.


The programming language Ruby and it's package manager Bundler.

Nice installation guides for the different operating systems can be found at the Rails Girls Website. You can stop right before installing Rails, because we do not depend on Ruby on Rails here.

You can check, if you succeeded, by entering

$ ruby -v
$ gem -v

at the command prompt. Both commands should return version greater or equal 2.0 .


$ gem install jekyll
$ jekyll new name-of-my-podcast
$ cd name-of-my-podcast

Create file Gemfile with the contents:

source ''
gem 'jekyll-octopod'

Install the dependencies and run the setup script via:

$ bundle install
$ octopod setup

Update the configuration settings in the configation file _config.yaml in the application directory.

  • You might want to change the images and logos in ...
  • You might want to delete the demo episode files



are welcome!


Stefan Haslinger [email protected]


This Gem is sitting on the shoulder of giants, lots of the code was not written by me and/or depends on other code.

Especially to be mentioned: Arne Eilermann [email protected] who started and created Octopod


Licensend under the MIT-License

The following assets from seperate projects are packaged in this repo: