Jekyll Minibundle plugin

A minimalistic plugin for bundling assets to Jekyll's site generation directory.

In addition to the plugin itself, you need a minification tool supporting standard unix input and output. There are no gem dependencies at runtime.

Tested with Ruby MRI 1.9.3. Ruby 1.8 is not supported.

Build Status


There are two features: asset fingerprinting with MD5 digest over the contents of the asset, and asset bundling combined with the first feature.

Asset bundling consists of concatenation and minification. The plugin implements concatenation and leaves up to you to choose the minification tool. UglifyJS2 is a good and fast minifier. The plugin connects to the minifier with standard unix pipe, feeding asset file contents to it in desired order via standard input, and reads the result from standard output.

Why is this good? Well, a fingerprint in asset's path is the recommended way to handle caching of static resources, because you can allow caching the asset forever. Calculating MD5 digest over the contents of the asset is fast and the resulting digest is reasonably unique to be generated automatically.

Asset bundling is good for reducing the number of requests to the backend upon page load. The minification of stylesheets and JavaScript sources makes asset sizes smaller and thus faster to load over network.


The plugin is shipped as a RubyGem:

$ gem install jekyll-minibundle

Add file _plugins/minibundle.rb to your Jekyll site project with this line:

require 'jekyll/minibundle'

Asset fingerprinting

Asset fingerprinting is intended to be used together with Compass and other similar asset generation tools that have their own configuration for input sources.

Configure Compass to take inputs from _assets/styles/*.scss and to put output to _tmp/site.css. Use ministamp tag to copy the processed style asset to the generated site:

<link href="{% ministamp _tmp/site.css assets/site.css %}" rel="stylesheet" media="screen, projection">

Output, containing the MD5 digest of the file in the filename:

<link href="assets/site-390be921ee0eff063817bb5ef2954300.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen, projection">

This feature does not require any external tools.

Asset bundling

This is a straightforward way to bundle assets with any minification tool that supports reading input from STDIN and writing the output to STDOUT. You write the configuration for input sources directly into the content file where you want the markup tag for the bundle file to appear. The outcome will be a markup tag containing the path to the bundle file, and the generated site will have the bundle file in that path. The MD5 digest of the file will be included in the filename.

Place minibundle block with configuration into your content file where you want the generated markup to appear. For example, to bundle a set of JavaScript sources:

{% minibundle js %}
source_dir: _assets/scripts
destination_path: assets/site
  - dependency
  - app
  id: my-scripts
{% endminibundle %}

Then, specify the command for launching your favorite minifier in $JEKYLL_MINIBUNDLE_CMD_JS environment variable. For example, when launching Jekyll:

$ JEKYLL_MINIBUNDLE_CMD_JS='./node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs --' jekyll

You can pass custom attributes to the generated markup with attributes map in the configuration.

Output in the content file:

<script src="assets/site-8e764372a0dbd296033cb2a416f064b5.js" type="text/javascript" id="my-scripts"></script>

For bundling CSS assets, you use css as the argument to minibundle block:

{% minibundle css %}
source_dir: _assets/styles
destination_path: assets/site
  - reset
  - common
  media: screen
{% endminibundle %}

And then specify the command for launching bundling in $JEKYLL_MINIBUNDLE_CMD_CSS environment variable.

Development mode

The plugin has one more trick in its sleeves. If you set environment variable JEKYLL_MINIBUNDLE_MODE to development, then the plugin will copy asset files as is to the destination directory (using destination_path as directory for minibundle block), and omit fingerprinting. This is useful in development workflow, where you need the filenames and line numbers of the original asset sources.

$ JEKYLL_MINIBUNDLE_MODE=development jekyll --auto --server

Example site

See the contents of test/fixture/site directory.
