jCheck Rails

jCheck Rails provide a ease way to generate jCheck code to validate form according to ActiveModel record validations.


Just configure your Gemfile with

gem 'jcheck_rails'

Basic Usage

To make a basic usage of jcheck_rails is really simple, first you need to setup your application view to use jcheck, to make it just go to jCheck site, download the latest version, drop the files in your public directory (the zip contains the correct folders, js in javascripts folder and css in stylesheets folder), and them add there files in you layout.

With the front-end setup done, go to your form and do:

<%= jcheck_for @post %>

Replace the @post with variable of your object to current form. This will make a reflection into your model validations and will write the respective ones using jCheck.

It’s highly recommendable that you read the jCheck documentation at http://jcheck.net/documentation for a full knowledge on jCheck.


  • Option to filter fields that should has exposed validations
  • Get messages from i18n and append automatic
  • Get field names from i18n and use automatic


Copyright © 2010 Wilker Lucio. See LICENSE for details.